Chapter Ten

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Alright so I am going to put a summary as to what happened in the previous chapter, for those who skipped it.

Jin and Lia confessed to each other that they still loves each other and actually never stopped loving each other even after what happened in the past. After that, they did the deed. You know ; )

So basically, they actually made love that day.

And also, I decided to write Jin's POV this time so we'll know his thoughts about what happened since from the day he met Lia again after three years.

Let's get it!!

Kim Seokjin's POV

I'm worried. For the past three months, someone has been sending us threats in handwritten messages. And we haven't told the company or our managers yet, so they won't be any more stressed than they currently are as we make our comeback. We had a busy schedule and little time to relax, so we were grateful for the distraction. At least for a few hours, we can forget about the threats to our life.

And for what? The truth is that we don't know what may be a possible cause of someone being so obsessed to destroy our lives while we haven't done anything wrong that explains why someone is going after us; even our lives are at risk. We couldn't keep it to ourselves any longer, no matter how much we wanted to. We knew we needed the company's help to protect us from whoever this person was.

When we first started receiving letters, we just shrugged it off and assumed it was nothing serious. We assumed it was a joke perpetrated by our friends, who do know our address and may have been seeking vengeance. We even texted the people we assumed were sending the letters, but they insisted it wasn't them. We began to fear for our life when we learned how serious it was and that someone was truly attempting to hurt us; perhaps they were starting with letters.

We let a few weeks pass, and now it's been three months. We had already received multiple threats and the situation was becoming more frightening. We had no idea who may be those people who were enjoying sending us these letters.

So we told the company, and they were all very concerned and anxious for our safety; they started scolding us for not telling them sooner, but they soon calmed down after seeing our horrified expressions. Mr. Bang looked like he was going to have a heart attack after hearing our admission. We felt scared and guilty about causing serious trouble for the company, but we had little option.

There was complete silence for a few minutes as our managers and Mr. Bang discussed ways that would protect us from whoever this person was. They were frightened but tried their best to hide it for our sake. What did we do to put ourselves in such tremendous danger?

Someone broke the tight silence, "I know someone who can help us. I know she will no matter what." Yoongi remarked emotionlessly, peering at the letters on the table in front of us; I can't tell where he was looking. Mr. Bang raises an eyebrow at the notion, "Why do you think this person would help us?" He inquired, surprised by his offer.

Yoongi turned away from the letters and stared Mr. Bang in the eyes, saying, "I just know it. You can trust me, she will protect us." He was certain and determined that this person would absolutely help us. And didn't he mention that this person was a woman? I wonder who it is.

Our managers nodded in agreement, trying to trust this person but wanting to know who it was just to be sure. "What is her name?" one of the managers questioned as he prepared to use his laptop to carry out a web search on her.

"Lee Jia." Yoongi stated, looking at the manager who typed that name and began his search on this person.

Wait. Lee Jia? Don't tell me- No. No. It can't be her. There is no way it was her because how the hell does Yoongi and Jia knows each other?

Three years ago, someone broke my heart, and I never told anyone. Yes, Jia and I dated for about four years, but I didn't tell them. I am the type of person who only tells his buddies about the woman he loves after he is certain that he is set to marry her one day. It was difficult to keep it from them, but they had their suspicions, and they understood that I didn't want to tell them who it was until I was certain that I would marry her.

They just know that I proposed to her and then had my heart shattered at the end of the day. They never found out who it was because they weren't present when I proposed to her. They were reluctant to find out who it was because it was so upsetting for me. I was deeply upset and enraged that she had cheated on me. I was thinking about where and when our relationship began to deteriorate. I assumed we were happy, but I guess I was mistaken.

I froze when I heard that name after so many years. I looked at our manager, who was currently searching this woman and was showing Yoongi the faces of people with the name Lee Jia, but he kept shaking his head and claiming it wasn't her.

Please, not her....


The manager slammed his hand on the table, convinced that this was Lee Jia. My hands shook as he turned around to show Yoongi the laptop that was in front of him. I was able to catch a quick peek at the image before he turned the laptop entirely in front of Yoongi, only to see him nod in approval. I can feel my heart racing after seeing that familiar face again. I urgently looked at Yoongi, praying it wasn't her.

"That's her. Well, that actually took a while to find her. Just as expected." He let out a small chuckle.


"You gotta be kidding me." I muttered angrily to myself while glaring at the photo of her that are now in front of me, Lee Jia.

Thoughts on this chapter? (◠‿◕)

Next chapter would be a continuation of Jin's POV.

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