Chapter Three

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I gave the phone back to Mr. Bang just to notice that he is slightly shaking making me almost show my real emotions; sadness, pity and anger. But I didn't because I don't want to scare them when they already looks like they are going to shit their pants any second.

I cleared my throat, "I just want to ask you all, why me? I mean, why did you all decided to come to my company when I am sure there is a lot more companies out there who also specializes in these kind of things." I asked them, raising my eyebrows.

Namjoon spoke which surprises me but makes me feel relieve because I also want to hear their thoughts.

"Actually, Yoongi hyung recommends you to us and said that he knows you can catch them. Whoever they are." He said, his voice wavering a little out of nervousness.

Of course, I knew it would be him.

As soon as Yoongi's name was mentioned, I looked at him automatically to see him looking at me with his signature smirk. Though, he was making sure no one else sees that, but me.

I nodded understandingly, getting serious. "If you didn't notice, there is actually a symbol at the upper right side of the letters or threats, whatever you want to call it. It was faint but I saw it when I took a closer look, and as soon as I saw that, I knew that it is more serious and deep than I thought it would be." I said, a little tense but I know they didn't notice it because they were so focused on what I was saying.

Mr. Bang looked at me in a question. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, feeling more worried and scared than before. For the boys. His boys.

I took a silent deep breath, looking at Mr. Bang in the eyes. "What I was trying to say is that I know that symbol and it seems like I would have to do that job, personally." I said, biting my lips slightly as realization hits me that, indeed, I will have to, no, I must guard these boys instead of someone else.

They all looked at me, shocked, " But how are you going to do that when you are a CEO yourself. You need to be here, at your company. And you also said that, about the symbol, you know what it was. So does that mean that you also know who is behind these threats?" Jin spoke, looking confused and still shocked when he finally registered in his mind what I was saying.

I was about to answer his question when suddenly, the door in my office was opened violently, the door hitting the wall startling everyone because of how hard this person opened it.

"What the hell, Hyunjin?" I cursed, automatically from the shock. He looks at me then at everyone in the room with a nervous look in his face, greeting my guests silently then looked back at me with a more serious look.

I looked at my guests a little apologetic for the interruption but they just waved me off, faintly saying that it's okay.

I gestured for Hyunjin, my best man, to come closer to me so he could tell me what makes him interrupt my meeting so sudden, but I knew he must have his reasons because he just won't interrupt my meeting like that, and also without having to violently open my door as if he was in a rush to get here.

He obeyed walking closer to me, then he whispered something in my ears making me freeze, visibly.

He stood right back up, looking at me in almost pity but he knew I don't want that.

Silence fell in the room while I was trying to process what Hyunjin told me. Oblivious to the concerned stares I was receiving.

I didn't expect it to be this soon.

"Jia" Hyunjin softly calls out my name, when he noticed that my guests are getting worried seeing me freeze suddenly, and he successfully snapped me out of it.

I glanced at everyone in the room to see them looking shocked, clearing my throat. Why do they looked so shocked? Is it because of how i reacted or something else?

Also I noted the way Yoongi and Jin are studying Hyunjin, who feels slightly uncomfortable from the stares or more like glares that he is receiving.

I stood up, bowing slightly. "I'm so sorry but i am afraid we can't continue this meeting as I have a very important person to meet. But don't worry, i'll reach out to you once I am free and we can discuss about this again." I said glancing at them, giving them assurance that I won't be declining their request.

They all nodded understandingly, but can't help but get worried because they knew whoever this person was is not someone you're comfortable meeting with, atleast that's how it looks like to them who saw your reaction.

They all stood up and bowed at me making me do the same and they began walking out of the room one by one while giving me respectful smiles.

As soon as the door closed, I sat again on my chair, trying my best to relax my body.

I rubbed my forehead feeling a headache coming, but that is the least of my worries when my father is coming here.

No, my father is a good man, to his family atleast. I am not scared of him, but the situation. You see, my father and I had an agreement a few years ago and it seems like it is finally the time to do the deed.

Our deal.

That deal is going to change my life fo the worst, or for the better.

Who knows?

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