Chapter Five

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"I know years have passed, but you didn't even give me an explanation back then; I should at least deserve to know the reason, don't you think so?" He said blankly, still looking down at his feet.

I breathed deeply, "I know but don't you think because of that it benefits you more seeing the state your group are in right now? You guys are known worldwide already and you guys could achieve more in the future. And that became possible because you had no distractions. You never had to worry about anything else because of what I did. Don't you realize it now? I did that so you could focus on your dream."

He looked up when he heard that, "Why did you even care? If you didn't do that, I would have been by your side until now-" He continued, frustrated, but was cut short. "You know it didn't even matter because I had someone for that now, do you?" I interrupted his rambling. That seems to have silenced him, as he clenches his jaw.

I added, "And also, you don't have to call me Mafia Princess anymore." He glanced at me puzzled, but his eyes widened with recognition. "Is it the time?" he questioned, gasping. I smirked, gradually reducing the distance between us. "Yes, baby. It is finally the time," I whispered, causing him to shudder slightly.

When he started breathing heavily, I leaned back and looked at him, "Don't worry, because of that, I'll have more power and connections, which will help me more to help you guys, and I'll make sure none of you get hurt." I promised him that no matter what, those bastards would not be able to touch a single hair of these boys.


It's been a week since I met Mr. Bang and his guys, and I finally had the opportunity to speak to them. After that conversation with my father, I became so preoccupied that I almost forgot about the position they have, which is now mine as well. I was preoccupied with preparing for the party, addressing things at the company because, no matter what, I am still the CEO, and other things which required both mental and physical preparation.

I am currently on my way to the BigHit building to meet with Mr. Bang and possibly the members as well, because they are deeply involved with this matter and need to be kept up to date on what will happen next. They stated they could just come to my company, but I wanted to familiarize myself with theirs as well, because I would be "working" there shortly. I should know how to get there, right?

As soon as I arrived to BigHit, I was greeted by an unidentified man in front of the building, who appeared to be waiting for me. "Hello, my name is Kim Jung-Ha. I am the manager of the boys, BTS. I was sent here to guide you through the building. It is nice to meet you, Ms. Lee." He greeted me with a respectful smile while bowing.


When I heard it, I stared at him suspiciously, but not in an evident way, giving the impression that it was also a pleasure to meet him. As if. It is our first meeting, and he is already lying in my face. I'm not sure what he's lying about; maybe his name? or that he manages the boys? Perhaps he is lying when he says it's wonderful to meet me?

It doesn't matter; I need to be extra cautious with this man because he could very well be a spy for them. I also gave him a modest fake smile while greeting him, but it appears that he was duped by my act, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Soon, he led me through the building while discussing how the great Mr. Bang became successful, and he also informed me that one of the key reasons the company is so successful is because of BTS.

They are well-known all around the world for their excellent music and other accomplishments. He stated that the boys have been through a lot and have done nothing but good for the fans, but they continue to face hatred and threats, which they do not deserve.


I clicked my tongue in disgust; why the hell is he lying to my face? I'm not sure which aspect he's lying about, and that's for me to figure out.

He appears to have heard me clicking my tongue because he stopped talking almost immediately to look at me, but I ignored him because we were getting close to the location where I was scheduled to meet them. He didn't even try to strike up a conversation after that, which I much appreciate because my ears are ringing painfully from his unknown lies. One thing I noticed about this building is that employees are kind, welcoming me as I passed them. The building is stunning; it is large and lovely. Overall, it is really luxurious.

The building has 53 floors, which is a large number for an K-pop industry. It appears like they are highly successful, but this will be irrelevant when they face a very dangerous person who has the potential to destroy them. We arrived in front of the conference room doorway on the 27th level.

I glanced at the man beside me and asked, "Are they in here?" He quickly lowered his eyes, "Yes. They are inside waiting for you." I hummed, "Alright. You can leave now, thank you for giving me a great tour of the building."

He stared at me, perplexed. "Why should I leave? I am instructed to guide you wherever you may go so that you do not get lost." He answered nicely, not understanding my argument. I rolled my eyes secretly and opened the door, not wanting to stare at the man any longer. He's so obnoxious and dumb. Who is he lying to? Me? I sarcastically laughed mentally, knowing that no one could fool me. Nobody can.

I opened the door, and it appears like they were talking before but stopped as they heard the door open. They all stood up and bowed to greet me. I simply nodded at them and returned a polite greeting. I stood in front of them, with a long and large table circling the meeting room. And I stood right in front of them, expecting that this meeting would take a long time.


I just have a lot of things planned for this book, too many things that I don't know what and which one to write first.

Let's see. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

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