Chapter Fifteen

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Yoongi left the room in a hurry as he was hoping that Ms. Lee are still in the building to chase her and apologize to her in behalf of Taehyung.

Taehyung. He sighed. He doesn't know what's with him today. But he'll make sure to talk to him later. He just doesn't understand why he was acting like that towards Ms. Lee. By then, he hopes that the members would be fine and it's not like he should worry about them as they are not a child anymore but sometimes they acts like it which worries him.

He stepped out of the elevator as he looked everywhere while running hastily, trying to catch a glance of Ms. Lee but unfortunately, it seems like Ms. Lee has already left the building.

He walked to the reception to make sure if Ms. Lee has really left the building. The woman are in her early twenties and were busy looking at her computer but she looked away when she noticed Yoongi.

He cleared his throat, "Uhm sorry to disturb you. But I just want to ask if Ms. Lee Jia has already left?" He question as he looks around the building.

"Ah yes. She left a little while ago. I think 20 minutes has passed." The woman, whose name is Kang Joy, he saw in her name tag, informed him.

He nodded, thanking her, while sighing in defeat as he turns around to go back to the meeting room, no matter how much he just wants to go home and sleep, that won't be possible when their manager are still in the building. He just wished that maybe Jia at least told him what to do with that man before leaving.

And he still have to inform Mr. Bang about what happened.

He exhale tiredly, What are we supposed to do now? He thought to himself.

Lee Jia's POV

I scoffed, remembering what happened a little while ago. Kim Taehyung, that's his name isn't it?

I smirked slightly as I began making a theory in my head. I am not completely sure if what I was thinking even makes sense. But from where I grew up upon, every possibility has to be checked and confirmed. After all, nothing is impossible.

I make sure to keep my eyes on the road while driving to go to my company. I completely forgot that I am still a CEO but with what's been happening in Big Hit, I began forgetting things. But now, I don't have to worry about them anymore. It was them who are not cooperating with me, do they think I am a very patient person?

I was willing to help them because I knew what to do to about their situation but if that is how it's going to be, I won't waste my time on them anymore because I'm sure they could find someone else to help them.

I arrived shortly as I parked my car in my private parking lot. It was a little hassle because I need to step out of my car to pressed my finger print to open the parking lot then go back inside the car to park it, but it's a must as I have a lot of enemies who are dying to kill me.

An example is that manager of BTS. I scoffs, how the hell did they remained naive and oblivious to that fake piece of lying shit for 3 years? Well, I can't really blame them because it's not like they also had an ability like me, to know when people were telling lies.

Others may like having this ability, but I absolutely hate it. I have to admit that of course at first few years of my life, I liked having this ability because no one can fool me and take advantage of me because I can detect their lies. But when I grew up and started facing the cruelty of this world, I beg to differ.

I went out of my car while carrying my handbag and locked the car before I left the parking lot to make my way inside the building. I checked the time on my wristwatch to see that it's still early, 8:02am. My secretary would be pleased to know that I came to work earlier than usual.

But then I remembered that I am still on my yesterday's clothes causing me to stop walking, feeling disgusted by myself. I quickly turned around to left the building and went to the parking lot while running and before I know it, I am driving my way home.

How can I show up at work while looking like..shit? I smelled myself slightly and almost choked when I could still smell a man's cologne on me.


I completely forgot about him and our supposed talk. I mentally facepalmed myself for forgetting that. I guess, even fate doesn't want us to reconcile.


Unknown POV

I'm glad that that woman are not here anymore. I know that it's her job to help us since we came to her company personally to ask her for help, but if she really get herself involve in this mission, she'll be in danger. Her life will be in danger because of me and I don't want that.

For some reason, she was carrying this aura as if she doesn't know who she was messing with but she actually knows. She is very confusing and a person that are hard to read. She is always wearing a blank look and I don't even know if she was doing it on purpose or if that's how she really is.

I know she is a good fighter hence the reason why she is the one who gives tips and lessons to the trainers of her company and a CEO at that. But that doesn't mean she can fight a mafia group where I belong.

Where I was forced to belong.

I've never wanted being a part of this group but I had no choice. My own blood was the one who formed this group that are now expanding internationally. Although, the one who are leading this group is not my blood, but that's because I refused to accept the position and take the big responsibility of leading a mafia group.

Somehow, I was able to avoid being the leader, but that doesn't mean I can also leave the group. I may have avoided being the leader but no matter what I do, I am still the son of the one who made this organization.

And that is a painful truth I have to accept and bear. It's not like I can betray my own blood by teaming up with Lee Jia. And even if I were to do that, Ms. Lee is not that powerful in the underworld as she doesn't belong there.

There is just no way for me to escape from this hellhole I was forced into.

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