Chapter Eleven

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Kim Seokjin's POV

"Jin hyung, what's wrong? And why are you looking at her photo like that?" Jimin, being the one sitting beside him who heard what I muttered.

He appears perplexed as to why I am angry, staring at the picture of her face in front of me. In that photo, she appears cold, as if she is not to be messed with. Everyone heard him and turned their heads towards me, but I disregarded their puzzled expressions.

"How did you know her?" I asked Yoongi, gritting my teeth and clenching my fists.

Despite my rage and scowl at him, he responded without surprise at my reaction, which startled me even more. "She is someone I know from the past," he said simply, looking at me blankly. "Oh, is that so? How well do you know her?" I wanted to smack myself for asking and believing he was the man Lia had previously cheated on.

It just does not make sense to me. How the fuck Yoongi knows her, and the fact that Lia never told me that he was actually so close to Yoongi that he appeared confident when he said Lia would help us, angered me. And it isn't like I introduced her to the members. But here's the thing: Jia obviously knows who my members were. How could I think this way about one of my own members?

"If I'm being honest, I know her better than you do." He chuckled slightly, his eyes boldly returning my gaze. I jumped up, rushing to stand in front of him, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I yelled at him, pointing an accusing finger at him. Yoongi looked around to watch everyone's reactions, and they were taken aback by my unexpected yell. They are perplexed and concerned for Yoongi because I might lose my cool.

Well, I already have. I can't control myself anymore. I'm very upset at Yoongi for knowing Jia so well; they weren't close friends, right? I'd never heard Jia claim she's close enough to my member that Yoongi is absolutely certain he knows her better than I do. What should I think about this revelation? And isn't it funny? It appears that Yoongi is aware of my previous relationship with Jia.

Yoongi stood up and looked me in the eyes, his expression unreadable.

"Why are you getting so worked up? I just said that because it's not like you know her personally right? or maybe you do?"

What? When I understood what Yoongi was saying, my heart rate elevated. Right, Yoongi has no idea that I know Jia. He said this because he assumed I didn't know her as well as he did, considering the fact that she is someone he had met in the past.


"Is there anything you're not telling us, Jin?" asked Mr. Bang, who appeared to have had enough of what he'd seen. I turned my head to Mr. Bang and decided to just tell them the truth because I didn't want them to misinterpret my actions. It wouldn't hurt to tell them, right?

Simply do it, Jin. They deserve to know.

I returned to my seat, looking blank, and as I stood in front of them, our managers and members were gazing at me nervously, still filled with disbelief after witnessing my outburst. It was the first time I had lost my cool in front of them.

I looked at the laptop in front of me that are still showing the picture of Jia.

"Jia and I-" I began, but I was nervous about their reactions as I looked around at everyone. They are going to be furious, for sure. "-dated for almost four years and she is my ex-fiancée." I said, my voice shaking slightly at the end. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for their reactions and expecting them to explode with anger at me for keeping it hidden from them for so long. But all I received was absolute silence. I scrunched my brow in uncertainty because I hadn't heard any reactions, so I decided to open my eyes.

They all looked at me with sad and sympathetic expressions.

Why aren't they mad? Or maybe yelling at me for hiding her from them? "We all know, hyung," Hoseok replied in a mournful tone, tears in his eyes.

I looked up, surprised. "What?! How the hell-" I said, wide-eyed and perplexed.

"We don't know everything but we know that you were dating someone hyung. We noticed how you were always excited to come home whenever we're done with work. At first, we ignored it and thought that maybe you just missed your bed but then it happened for weeks, months and years. You were so happy and cheerful back then and we are just thankful for whoever it was for making you happy." Namjoon explained, while gazing fondly at me like he was reflecting on the past.

His expression abruptly changed into a sad one, "But that day when you announced to us that you were going to propose to her, we were so happy for you and we so badly wanted to see your proposal, but then all of us couldn't take a day off, so we couldn't see what happened. You told us it was successful, so we were happy for you, and we even decided to celebrate the night we came home that day so that you could finally introduce her to us, but then as soon as we came, you look so vulnerable while looking blank with puffy eyes. Of course we were confused why you look like that when you were supposed to be happy on your successful day, but then yeah you look like that when we came home."

Jimin nodded and added, looking at me with a pained smile, "We still don't know what happened that night, but we didn't ask you so you wouldn't have to remember what happened, as it must have been painful for you to react like that." The others nodded in agreement. "You didn't even talk to us for months and it worried us so much. We did everything we could to bring back that happy and cheerful hyung we had but then I guess you must be hurting so much after what happened." Taehyung quietly remarked with a sigh.

I can feel my knees buckling from all I heard, and I grasped the edge of the table for dear life to keep me upright since it is so devastating for me to look back and recall what has happened in the past.

Was I truly that happy before? Was she also happy? What went wrong in our relationship? We had very few fights because we were mature enough to speak things out. So, what occurred? How did I lose her to someone else?


Poor Jin (。•́︿•̀。)

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