Chapter Six

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As I stood in front of them, expecting them to pay attention to me, I realized that the boys' manager was still in the conference room, which I disliked.

I looked at the man and said, "I'm sorry, but can you please leave? This meeting is only for the people involved, such as Mr. Bang and the boys." I tried to be respectful. The man looked at Mr. Bang with a pleading expression, "I can't leave. I am also worried about the boys." He added, staring at the boys with a fake worried expression, but they don't appear to notice how fake he is.


How many times does he plan to lie in a day? "Ms. Lee, you can trust him; he's been with us for years." Mr. Bang was attempting to calm me as the boys nodded in agreement, but I wasn't having it. I rolled my eyes, and while I should not have done so because it could be perceived as disrespectful, I didn't care at this point. They gasped silently as they witnessed the action. I remained silent as I proceeded towards the man, smirking and looking at everyone. "Mr. Bang, are you sure?" I questioned, taunting him.

Mr. Bang swallowed nervously as he saw my expression. "W-what?" he mumbled, uncertainty coursing through his veins. I turned my gaze from the man to look at Mr. Bang, and I stopped walking to stand in front of him.

"Are you sure you can trust this man?" I asked him in a pretend humorous tone. Mr. Bang remained silent as if bewildered, so one of his boys spoke up. "Ms. Lee, like he said, you can trust Mr. Kim as he's been our manager for almost three years." Jin spoke up, seeming irritated that I don't believe their extraordinarily real and innocent manager.

I grinned mockingly, "Is that so? He's been working for you for nearly three years, you said, and you still don't know how fake he is? I only know him for-" I paused to check the time on my wristwatch. "-32 minutes but even with such a short time, I already know that he is not a very honest person." Their manager clenched his teeth, fury and confusion coursing through his veins. How the heck did you know he was lying? He believed he was doing an excellent job as an actor, but it doesn't matter since he believes the boys will support him, but I'm not going to take his lying ass anymore.

Mr. Bang remained silent and appears to be simply observing the manager. Jin looks at me perplexed because he believes I was really harsh and disrespectful for saying so, yet he can't help but feel a bit afraid because of how confident you appear while saying such things.

The other members are now very tense and bewildered about what is going on, gazing between their manager and you. "And why do you think he is lying?" Yoongi asked this time, asking the question that other members are too afraid to ask since they can't move their lips to say.

I smirked, looking back to find the manager glaring at me, making me chuckle mockingly at him. I stared at him, then at his dark gray jacket, and then back at his eyes to notice how stiff he became as he noticed me looking at his jacket. I raised my hand to touch his jacket while maintaining eye contact with the man who appeared to freeze in front of me, and as soon as I touched that small thing, which you can't see easily but only if you pay close attention.

And it is something that is quite familiar to me now; I removed it firmly from his jacket, threw it to the ground, and stamped on it repeatedly until it smashed into pieces. Mr. Bang and the other members all looked at it immediately, but it appears that just one of them knows what it is. "A fucking spy cam." Yoongi cursed, glaring at their manager, or perhaps now ex-manager, who appears to be about to shit his pants.

"What do you mean, hyung? A spy cam?" Jimin asked in disbelief, still processing everything. Yoongi was unable to respond to his question because he was already on his way to their fake ass of a manager. As soon as he arrived, he hit him straight in the jaw, and everyone heard a bone cracking as the impact was remarkably forceful. Yoongi was furious, as were the others, but no one could do that to the man like Yoongi; they were as motionless as statues after learning that their manager had deceived them.

"What a fucking jerk. We trusted you, and I can't believe you also tricked me." Yoongi spat in fury, gazing furiously at the man who was now on the floor, gripping his jaw and groaning in pain. He clenched his fists and spat, "Leave before I kill you." But then the manager started giggling and seemed as if he had lost his mind. I looked at the man and saw him smirking at me, as if the pain wasn't bothering him anymore.

He quickly got up, carrying a small sharp knife, and it appears that he was hiding it in his boots while racing towards me at a high speed to attack me, but he should know better than get close to me. I backed away easily as soon as he raised his hand to stab me, and he is aiming for my neck. Screams could be heard, but I didn't pay attention to them. He yelled in anger and attempted to attack me again, but was stopped when someone punched him in the stomach, causing him to drop the knife and hold his stomach in pain. I instantly took the knife from the floor and analyzed it.

I scoffed in disbelief, but wasn't shocked after smelling the knife. It seemed strange of the man to attempt to stab me while just aiming at my neck. "Really? I didn't realize they wanted me dead that bad," I sarcastically replied, glancing at the man on the floor. When I looked at the others, I noticed that they were standing there, holding their mouths and looking afraid. But I'm glad they didn't make a fuss and called for help. I made it extremely straightforward to them last time that in these kind of situations, you should never call anyone else for help until absolutely necessary. Unless I instructed them to do so.

They disagreed at first, but they knew better than to disobey me. I'm only doing what I know is best for them: protecting them. Yoongi took the knife from me and smelled it, but he didn't recognize the smell. He gave me a questioning look, but I didn't even look at him because I was now walking around the room, warning them not to allow their manager leave. I investigated every area of the conference room, including under the table, to ensure that there were no other spy cameras in the room.

When I finished checking everything and ensuring that the conference room was safe, I returned to check on them and saw that their manager was tied to a chair. It's ridiculous that they used tape to bind him, but they used a lot of it, so it proved extremely effective in keeping him in place. His wrists and feet are securely tied, and I'm sure it would be terrible for the man to remove the tape from his skin afterwards, but do we care? No.

I remained silent as I made my way in front of the man, with the others on either side of him. Yoongi, Jin, and Mr. Bang is on his right, with the rest on his left. I sighed, already knowing who came up with this idea, but stayed quiet. I looked down at the man as I stood in front of him.

I ripped open his jacket and shirt, hoping to discover something that would confirm whether my guess was correct. The others seemed astonished but didn't ask why. And I see it. The tattoo appears to be identical to the tattoo on the letters.

"It's them," I exclaimed, glancing at the boys. "What do you mean?" Jungkook said, puzzled. I bit on my lower lip before replying, "The symbol on the threats is identical to the tattoo this man has; it's them." I pointed out with an unreadable expression on my face.


Who do you think are they?? Hmm....

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