Chapter 4: We'll Get Out Soon

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Peter jumps awake. He didn't know when he passed out but he does know that his head and ears are still killing him. They had played this loud ringing noise and he couldn't bare to hear it.

He hears footsteps approaching before the door swings open. He quickly stands up to see some guards dragging Tony in. This time, they didn't bother with handcuffs but they still had a bag over his head.

Once they reach the door, one of the men pulls the bag off of Tony's head. They unlock the door and quickly shove him in before slamming it shut.

"Mr. Stark, are you ok?" Peter asks as he assess all of Tony's injuries.

"I'm-what the hell happened? You said you wouldn't touch him!" Tony shouts at the guards but they ignore him and leave the room. "What the fuck did they do?!"

"They didn't do anything Mr. Stark, I'm ok!" Peter lies. "Now, are you because you have like bruises and blood all over you."

"It's dried, it's fine. I'm fine kid. Stop avoiding my question and tell me what the hell they did to you" Tony demands.

"They just..." Peter let's out a sigh. "When you left they played this loud ringing noise and my ears started to bleed but I'm fine Mr. Stark, seriously."

"God dammit. Come here kid" Tony replies before pulling Peter into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"What? That's not your fault. I mean this is my fault if I hadn't ran back into the fire-" Peter protests.

"Hey, that isn't your fault. You thought somebody was in danger and you did what any good person would do. This is my fault because he wants revenge on me and decided to grab you along" Tony interrupts.

"If I'm not allowed to blame myself, you aren't allowed to either" Peter tells him. "It's not your fault. You thought he was dead, we all did. It's been years. I don't blame you."

"Why don't we sit down?" Tony suggests before guiding Peter to the wall.

They both sit down and Tony pulls off his coat, throwing it onto Peter.

"I don't need it Mr. Stark, you do" Peter immediately protests, trying to give Tony his coat back.

"Keep it kid. I don't want you to go into spider hibernation" Tony waves off.

"It's not even cold" Peter states.

"Kid, keep it" Tony repeats.

Silence falls over the two when Peter leans into Tony.

"I have a plan" Peter informs.

"No, we will sit and wait for Rhodey. I'm not putting you in any more danger" Tony shuts down.

"But it can work" Peter argues.

"Not happening. There's a ton of guards and security. You will listen to what I say and that means no" Tony denies.

"Fine" Peter sighs.

Tony puts an arm over Peter, keeping him close. He wishes this didn't happened. That Obadiah wasn't watching him and see how close he was to the kid...that he thought the kid as his own son.

He promised May he would protect Peter and he broke that promise. Tony knows Obadiah will make his minions grab Peter and it's only a matter of time. Tony doesn't want them to grab him but he can only do so much without them shooting at Peter.

"Why don't you go to sleep? We got a night ahead of us" Tony suggests.

"I was really hoping to not skip nationals this year" Peter chuckles.

"You won't. Nationals is what? Months away? We'll be out of here by then" Tony assures.

"November is Nationals. States is in the spring" Peter informs.

"You'll be able to attend both kid, don't you worry about it" Tony reassures.

"Wait...didn't you have to sign the new Accords?" Peter recalls.

"Yeah, I was at the meeting. By now they probably have everyone's signature but mine so that means they know we're missing and are out looking for us" Tony nods.

"Am I going to have to sign it?" Peter wonders.

"It said something about how vigilantes have to sign but they don't have to give out their identities I think. I wasn't paying much attention and the meeting only just started" Tony shrugs. "Are you missing a test?"

"Oh crap! I am!" Peter shouts, bolting up.

"I'm sure you can remake it" Tony chuckles, pulling Peter back into the side hug.

"It's an APUSH test! The remakes are always harder!" Peter argues.

"So? I'll just say it was an internship thing" Tony suggests.

"They'll know it's a lie if they know Iron Man went missing" Peter reminds him.

"We'll think of something and if we don't, they can never turn me down" Tony assures.

"Pepper was right, you do have a huge ego" Peter giggles.

"Betrayed by my own!" Tony gasps. "I'm going to ban lab privileges."

"That's ok. I'll go back to making my webs in the draw of science class" Peter shrugs.

"How will you do that in biology and how do you never get caught?" Tony questions.

"I have the supplies I need in my backpack. I never get caught because my sixth sense warns me" Peter explains.

"Ah yes, the Peter tingle" Tony recalls.

"It's not my Peter tingle, Tony Stank" Peter smirks.

"Honeybear told you about that?!" Tony gasps.

"He told me a lot of stories including the MIT days" Peter laughs.

"Guess I'm going to have to start telling you about Rhodes then" Tony plans.

"He said to not listen to you. Your stories are a lie" Peter responds.

"Now I really need a chat with him. I can't believe him!" Tony replies.

"Can you tell me a story now?" Peter wonders.

"Of course, let's see...oh! I looked up this video on his computer and when he opened his computer up in class, the video played. It sa...I shouldn't be telling you what it said but it was pretty funny, very inappropriate" Tony begins to ramble.

"Rhodeys stories are better" Peter admits.

"He didn't have a fun life that's why I don't have a ton of stories of him" Tony argues.

"You can say whatever Mr. Stark but it's all excuses" Peter protests.

"He once threw up during his presentation. Not to mention, he also tripped up the stairs. There-" Tony begins to list.

"You did all of that too" Peter recalls.

"You know what? I'm done. No more story time for the spider" Tony relents.

"Rhodey would give me story times" Peter challenges.

"Ok, that's it" Tony scoffs before tickling Peter.

"Wait! N-no! 'm s-sorry!" Peter shouts out apologizes between the fit of laughter.

"You mean it?" Tony asks.

"Y-yes!" Peter stutters. Tony continues tickling Peter for another five seconds before stopping. "Monster."

"Menace" Tony shoots back when Peter lets out a yawn. "Get some sleep kid."

"You should too" Peter reminds him.

"I will" Tony assures.

"Night Mr. Stark" Peter yawns.

"Night spiderling" Tony replies back.

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