Chapter 5: They Took Him

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It's the next day and everybody is talking about it. How could they not?

Search parties had officially started. The avengers have been looking and so has the cops. The livestream is still broadcasting, never turning off.

Mj and Ned are in class and their teacher can't even teach without people talking about Peter and Tony. Their previous teachers had gave up and let everyone talk about it, worried about their student and Iron Man.

Lunch had just ended and the topic only grew. They saw the guards telling Tony and Peter about bathroom trips and let them use the bathroom. During their lunch, they had also gotten lunch. Somebody said they saw them also getting breakfast.

That at least eased some worry. They're currently in gym class and everyone has their phones out, logging onto the stream when somebody screams out.

"THEY'RE TAKING PETER!!" a girl named Becca screams.

Everyone immediately starts throwing out questions, gathering around everyone who has their phone or computer out.

Mj, Ned, Flash and Betty had all stared at each other, quickly logging onto the stream on Neds open computer.

"You aren't taking him. You want revenge on me, you can have me. I don't give a fuck about your weird questions about his DNA or anything. You aren't taking him" Tony repeats.

"You are in no position Anthony. I will shoot him if you try to stop me" Obadiah threatens.

"Mr. Stark, I'll be fine" Peter assures quietly.

"He's a kid" Tony states. "A sixteen year old kid. He shouldn't even be here and now what? You want to torture him to see his fucking powers or some shit like that?! Read about it on google!"

"Last warning Anthony before I shoot him" Obadiah warns.

He takes out his gun and clicks the safety off. Tony stills before putting his hands in the air.

"Fuck...fuck you" Tony curses.

"I'll be fine" Peter assures again before stepping around Tony.

"Back up Anthony, we don't want a bullet hole in your kid" Obadiah sneers.

"Mr. Stark, don't. I'll be ok" Peter shakes his head making Tony let out a sigh.

He slowly backs up but doesn't take his eyes off of Obadiah and Peter.

"I'm sorry underoos" Tony apologizes.

"It's not your fault" Peter informs him just as Obadiah opens the cell and grabs Peter.

Tony yells out protests but like Peter yesterday, they ignore him. They throw a bag over Peters head and puts handcuffs on him but they don't look like normal handcuffs.

"They're vibranium" Ned notices just before they drag Peter out of the room. 

"FUCK!" Tony screams, kicking the wall behind him. "GOD DAMMIT!"

"Why is nobody in their stations! Get back in your groups!" Coach Wilson yells after coming through the doors and noticing everybody by the bleachers.

"They just took Peter!" Jackson tells him.

"You still have to do your stations. People are looking for them, they'll be back soon" Coach Wilson assures.

"None of the other teachers care, you're the only one" Flash argues.

"Fine! Only because there are ten minutes left of the period. When I leave, I expect you all to continue doing what you're suppose to be doing though and I don't think it's right how you are all spying on them anyways!" Coach Wilson exclaims.

"You're right but we want to make sure they're ok and what if something happens and it gives us a clue on how to find them? It could be helpful" Nicole reasons.

"Any news from the avengers?" Betty asks Mj and Ned, ignoring the conversations around them.

"Nothing yet" Ned denies.

"What if they're not in the city? Shouldn't they branch out?" Flash questions.

"There aren't a lot of them to do that. They can go to countless of countries and still find nothing" Mj points out.

"They have Wakanda helping the search with their technology. I'm sure it'll help" Ned adds.

"Let's hope so" Betty replies.


"How are there no leads so far? We're missing something" Clint tells everyone in his comms.

The groups are the same as yesterday but the boroughs they got assigned are different. They had found nothing on the crime scene in Queens and nothing in Manhattan and the Bronx. They're now separated in Staten Island, Brooklyn and Hells Kitchen.

There are only six boroughs. Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, Hells Kitchen, the Bronx and Brooklyn. Each borough is big but that's why they're going to end up circling back around them anyways. They could've easily missed something but everybody was also making sure they didn't.

"It's possible but we'll go back to each borough soon. If we don't find anything, not even clues..." Steve doesn't finish the thought, everybody knows what he means.

"Where would you go if you were Obadiah Stane?" Vision questions.

"Probably where he's been hiding all these years" Sam responds.

"But where has he been hiding?" Wanda wonders.

"California" Nat answers.

"Why Cali?" Bucky asks.

"It's where his mansion used to be" Nat recalls.

"But how do we know they're actually in California? That's another large state to find them in" Sam points out.

"How about we finish with the city today. Tomorrow we can head out to California" Rhodey suggests.

"Where is this California you speak of?" Thor wonders.

"In North America. Sam's right though, California is a huge place to look at. Anyway to narrow it down?" Scott questions.

"Scott, you live in San Fransisco right?" Clint asks.

"Yeah" Scott confirms.

"Get your buddies to help out" Clint suggests.

"I'll let them know" Scott responds.

"Do you know what part of California he lived in?" Wanda wonders.

"Malibu" Vision answers.

"Looks like we're heading to Malibu first thing tomorrow morning if we don't find anything today" Steve plans.

"Has anyone got anything so far?" Bucky questions only for everyone to tell him no.

Silence falls onto the comms when Nat curses.

"Obadiah just took Peter away from their cell" Nat informs.

"That's not going to be pretty if the guy wants a look at his DNA. We got to hurry this up" Sam recalls.

"Why would somebody want to look at a child's DNA? He is not his son is he? I thought he was Tony's son!" Thor questions.

"He wants to see Peters DNA because his DNA altered with the spider bite" Vision explains.

"Cops found something in Staten Island. Friday just sent the coordinates" Rhodey informs.

"This better be something" Bucky hopes.

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