Chapter 8: What If They're Not There

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The avengers are all set. They have medical supplies, blankets, food and their weapons all on the Quinjet. They're all currently suited up and ready to board.

All of them are going which means Rhodey, Bruce, Thor, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Scott, Steve, Vision, Clint and Nat. Cho and her team had prepped the medbay but will better prep it once they're informed of Peter and Tony's exact conditions.

Pepper, Happy, Mj and Ned are all staying at the tower. Incase they aren't in California, they will continue hacking their way into databases and search for them.

Mj and Ned would go with the decathlon team to search but they want to know everything that happens while the Avengers are in California which means staying at the tower.

Now it's only a matter of time before they find Peter and Tony. The thing is if they're not in California, they don't know where else they could be.

That thought haunts them, terrifies them but they won't let the thought destroy them. They just have to wait until the avengers see if they find anything at the two possible locations.


It's only the morning but the Academic Decathlon team had started their search to find Peter and Tony. They're determined to find them or at least find clues.

They know Mj and Ned are at the tower waiting for the Avengers to check out the two possible locations in California.

The question lingers in the air though. What if they're not there? But, that's why they're still searching the streets rather than waiting to hear back from Mj and Ned about the Avengers. If there are any updates, they know to text. That goes for both groups.

It's only eight in the morning. There was some protests about getting up but those protests got shut down quickly after they got yanked out of their beds. For breakfast, they stopped by a cafe and grabbed food and drinks before continuing their search. 

Sally has the broadcast streaming on her phone at a low volume as they search due to not being near any big screens at the moment. Nobody's paying much attention to it as they look.

All they know so far is that the two had gotten their breakfast, bathroom break and are now just talking. There isn't any need to eavesdrop on the conversation. 

"They're coming" Peter announces.

Everyone's heads snaps towards Sally as she quickly raises the volume and her phone so they can all see and hear what's going on.

Tony pulls Peter a bit back before getting up to block him. Peter quickly gets up right after but Tony keeps his arm out to block Peter.

The AcaDec team hears the door slam open but because of the camera angle, they can't see who enters. They already know it must be goons and maybe Obadiah.

"What do you want?" Tony spats.

"Boss wants both of you. Step away from him and don't try anything. All of our guns have ammo and we won't hesitate to shoot" a goon explains as he starts to jiggle the lock.

"You're leaving him here" Tony demands.

"If boss doesn't get the boy, it'll be worse for him Stark" the goon warns.

"It's ok" Peter whispers to Tony. 

The door swings open and a bunch of goons starts to file in their cell, grabbing Tony and Peter.

"Let him go! Just take me! Do whatever you want to me and not him!" Tony seethes, raising his fist.

"Don't fight Stark. Look at your boy" a goon threatens.

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