Chapter 11: The Aftermath

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It's been a two months since Tony and Peter had been found.

It's been two months since they've slowly been healing.

It's been two months since secrets have been spilled.

It's been two months and just the few days they were there, had ruined them.

Obadiah Stane is officially in the Raft. He's locked away forever with no escape. He's swept away somewhere in the middle of the sea in a dark and big building.

Peter and Tony were forced to come to terms with what had happened. Them blaming themselves for what had gone wrong, them hating on Obadiah Stane, them not being able to stop what's circling around on social media and the news.

They've both been awoken by their own nightmares. They've both been plagued by trauma.

It was hard but they're slowly getting through it. For the first few weeks, Peter and Tony were glued together. They wanted to protect each other, afraid that Obadiah would come back but now they're able to be separate. They finally came to terms that he isn't coming back, that they're safe.

Tony had added some more protocols and backup protocols into Peters suit. He made Peter a watch with a button that'll send Tony a help signal. He made sure his kid was safe and protected.

Neither of them have really gone out of the tower. Peter stopped patrolling and took the time to really heal. Mj and Ned had visited, dropping off Peters work that he's missed. The decathlon chat has been blowing up but Peter barely answers his phone.

As for Tony, he simply doesn't need to leave the tower. Pepper hasn't forced him to go to any meetings so far and there are no avengers missions. When he had to sign the new accords, the government simply came to the tower. It was an easy process and stress free.

Tony and Peter both distract themselves with building in the lab. They've made new projects for Stark Industries, Peter made more web fluid, they've fixed both suits, they worked on a little friend for Dum-E and U, it was great.

It's when it's late at night and Pepper locks the lab that they find themselves doing other things like watching a movie, playing games, or...scrolling through social media.

Tony easily avoids it. He's grown up to having to avoid social media and everything that is said about him. He honestly only went on it once after this fiasco and that was it but it's different for Peter. He's grown up with social media, always checking the new trends, and looking at the news because of a patrol. So, Peter is often on social media especially on Twitter where everybody has their honest reviews about things.


It's been 2 months and we haven't seen Spidey patrolling to keep the city safe. What the fucks going on man? You were kidnapped for a few days and it's been 2 months, you should be out there again


Replies —

     @peculiarjewl to @wonderboy

Stfu asshole. Let him heal. He can come back when he's ready. The city is fine. His health is more important. Fu🖕🏻

#ilovespiderman #queensnyc 


Take care Peter and Tony! Hope you guys take this time to heal!💙❤️💛

#peterparker #tonystark #weloveourheroes


Peter Parker is too young to be a hero. He's sixteen and has been doing this since he was fourteen. He needs to stop playing hero and grow up. I won't be surprised if he gets himself killed. If he won't stop this bullshit of an act, he's going to get all of US killed

#spidermenace #underagehero #playhero

"What did I say about social media?" Tony asks, stepping around Peter who is sitting on his spiny chair in the lab.

"Not to go on it" Peter answers.

"I'm sorry kid but this all just needs to die down before you're checking the latest trends" Tony apologizes.

"Do you think it's time for me to go back out there?" Peter wonders.

Tony stops what he's doing and looks up at Peter.

"I want you to do what you feel is best. If you need to take more time, take the time. Everyone is fine for now, the cops are handling it. If you want to go back out there, I won't stop you but you just need to be careful" Tony informs.

Peter looks away from Tony and starts to fidget with the screwdriver in his hands.

"I think I'm ready but what if I'm not? I mean I haven't even gone back to school yet" Peter reminds him.

"Then why don't you try to go to school tomorrow? It will be Monday so it's a fresh start of the week. Then you can think about patrolling" Tony suggests.

"That's not a bad idea" Peter agrees.

"I have awesome ideas, thank you very much" Tony responds.

"Wait that means I have decathlon after school tomorrow" Peter realizes after a moment.

"You can go in on Tuesday" Tony suggests.

"No, no, I'll go tomorrow" Peter denies.

"You just think it'll be too much if you aren't actually ready?" Tony assumes to which Peter nods. "Lj will understand, she's not going to push you. She's not that cold hearted."

"How would you know?" Peter questions.

"She's like a little Natasha Romanoff who acts like she has a cold heart but then she has a soft spot" Tony compares.

"A soft spot? For what? I know her and Clint are friends but I've seen her through daggers at him" Peter recalls.

"Believe it or not, she does have a soft spot on him, Pepper, Wanda, but also on Clints kids and you" Tony calls her out.

"She's going to kill you if she hears you say that" Peter chuckles.

"It'll be our secret" Tony shrugs.

"Like we can keep a secret from her" Peter smiles.

"It's getting late, if you want to go to school you should head to bed. All spider babies need their sleep" Tony jokes.

"All old men need their sleep too" Peter retorts.

"I am not old!" Tony gasps. 

Peter rolls his eyes and gathers his things.

"Can't wait for Friday to record Pepper pulling on your hair to drag you to bed" Peter tells him.

"You're evil" Tony claims.

"Night dad!" Peter wishes.

"Night kid, don't let Nat throw a dagger at you" Tony jokes before the elevator doors closes.

The elevator quickly rises up to the floor and before Peter knew it, he was getting out. He made his way to his room and packed his things up for tomorrow. He uses the bathroom, changes into his pajamas, and now he's sitting on his bed.

His phone is charging but he's still on it. He's scrolling through TikTok trying to ease his mind before going to bed. He wants to distract himself to try and not get any nightmares.

Not long later, Peter falls asleep on his phone. Tony sneaks into his room and puts his phone on his nightstand and allows Friday to turn off his lights. Tony makes it to his own room to see Pepper already asleep.

He climbs into bed but like Peter, he's staring up at the ceiling. Thoughts are racing in his mind but he pushes them all back. It's not long before he also falls asleep.

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