1. Princess Alyssa Velaryon

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"When will he get here mother?"

Alyssa rested her head on her heavely pregnant mothers belly while she pulls her hand back and forth as if to soothe the already peaceful Babe inside. She listened Intensely, pressing her ear harder againgst Rhaenyra's belly desperately trying to feel movement or hear something. But much to the little girl's dismay, she did not feel or hear enything despite her many attempt.

Alyssa furrowed her brows while trying to understand how a little himna could fit in there. Deep in thought, she began playing with the light blue sleeve of her mother's dress.

"The master says eny day now my sweet girl"

Alyssa nodded, still with her ear pressed tightly against her stomach. A golden feeling settled like a blanket over the little princess when she thought about what it would be like if she got a sister, after two brothers and the only girl friend being Helaena, it was really time for another princess in this castle she thought.

Rhaenyra placed a soft kiss on Alyssa's head as she ran her hand cozily over her back. Her first born and her only daughter, the only one of her children sharing her eyes and hair.

A smile creeps across the younger princesses face, leaning into her mothers touch she feels like she is about to fall asleep when the pair are interrupted by Jace and Luke running through the big wooden Doors. Causing the doors to make a loud noise. "There she is!"

Jace, her younger brother runs up to her and nudges her arm to officially get her involved in their chase game.

"you are, Aly! catch us!"

She may be kind, gentile and sweet, but she would never let anyone win in a competition she was in. It just didn't come out of the question for a competitive girl like her. "I'm going to get you, Jace!"

Her feet land sternly on the stone floor as she jumps off the bed in order to quickly get around as efficiently as possible and catch the two boys. As they run about the chamber, their father, Sir Laenor, stood at the doorway from the bath chamber with a chuckle in his throat.

The heavily pregnant princess lay in bed, unable to move without feeling exhausted, and laughed with her husband about their children playfulness.

"you may escape from her but yall can't run from me!" Laenor joins them in the chease as they all burst out in laughter trying to escape but is unable to do so when he grabbed Jace around his waist, throwing him over his shoulder. Then in a swift motion he picks up Luke holding him under his right arm and before Alyssa could run enywher he captures her as well holding hur under his left arm with Jace clinging to his neck not to fall.

Everyone's laughter echoed in the chamber like music in the throne room did surfing feasts, but all of a sudden, something happened that made Alyssa stop her laughing. A beautiful blue butterfly flew in through the window, a butterfly that she and Helaena had been looking for for a long time. The beautiful creature's wings had a dark blue color like The ocean with black details on the wings and it was a highly rare creature to find around there.

She tries to wriggle free from her father's grasp "Wait! Let me go!" Laenor lets her go along with Jace and Luke. His eyebrows furr together lookimg at his daughter giving her a confiused look which her brothers imitated.

"Jace, Luke help me catch it!"

Jace looked around the room spotting the flying creature and immediately start jumping in the air to try and catch it as Laenor grabs a jar from the dresser. Luke tries to leads the buterfly towards the jar and succesfully so when Laenor manages to catch it in the jar handling it to Alyssa.

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