Aemond tried to calm Vhagar down before the flight. Alyssa just stood and wached,It's true that she cried in his arms that night after dinner, but truth be told, she didn't trust him. This was the dragon he threatened to eat her family. She remembers the time he got mad at her and how he took it out on her.
What if she made him angry again, what would he do then?
The thought lived freely in her head, she remembered what Aegon said to her as they walked in the garden, that Aemond had major angerissiues. And yes, he probably would have had that the only time they were children, Not that she had noticed any of it at the time.
"Shall we, my lady?" His voice pulled her out of her thoughts, she nodded and took his hand to climb onto vhagar's back.
He sat at the front and she behind him, her arms around his waist. That made him smile. Unlike what Alyssa thought, he meant her no harm. He couldn't say the same about her brothers though. Those Bastards, the strong boys who took his eye. Ever since aces, he'd had to fight three times as hard to prove to everyone that he was worth something. For as the second son of the king, there was no prized position at court, no glory and especially not for a boy who had been maimed by his nephew. After that day, everyone looked at him with nothing but pity, which he despised more than anything else. She was right not to trust him completely.
"Fly, Vhagar"
The giant female dragon flapped her magnificent wings and carried them into the air In one quick motion, a yelp left Alyssas mounth as they flew higher and higher into the air. Helaena and Daeron followed.
The four flew towards the sept. Where they would circle three times and then make their way back.
Alyssa wrapped her arms around Aemond's waist tighter so as not to fall off as she had never flown a lure this big before, Daemon had taken her for the flight on Carraxes a couple of times but he was never too advanced, never too fast, not as it was now. She looked down at all the people walking the streets of King's Landing. They looked like ants from where she was, There were more people than there were on Dragonstone. While she was completely in the moment, Aemond enjoyed the moment of the scenario.
He encouraged Vhagar to fly faster without warning Alyssa for his own purpose. The dragon flew faster and Alyssa held him tighter in surprise. Aemond smirked to himself, please with how his plan went as he imagened.
They reached the sept with Dreamfyre right behind them. Daeron was last, that made Alyssa smile big, because he had always been one who loved to compete, and brag when he had won. They circled around the building but Helaena and Dreamfyre where head of them. Helaena was heading back to the dragon pit with Vhagar close behind. Aemond instructed Vhagar to fly faster but to no avail for Helaena was already a long way ahead of them, much to Alyssa's delight.
They landed and Helaena jumped off her dragon and spun around in joy. "I won! I won!" she laughed as she ran up to her dragon and gave her a kiss on the head.
"Congratulations, Helaena" Alyssa replied giving her a hug. Daeron slid down from Tessareon, looking bitter.
But after seeing his sister's joy, he couldn't contain that bitterness. "congratulations my sweet sister" He said as he started to smile at her.
"We'll take them next time," Aemond said, walking up behind Alyssa who was too busy watching Helaena and Daeron's interaction.
All four went back to the castle where they all went their separate ways.
It was warm and relaxed. The steam from the hot water rose and disappeared with the air as Alyssa lay there with her eyes closed, enjoying the silence.
Tanya came into the room with oils and various scents. She laid them down on a table and began anointing Alyssa with a sweet-smelling oil.
"Did today go well?" she opened her eyes and lifted her gaze at Tanya.
"Quite, Helaena won. You should have seen her, she was so happy" Tanya smiled for herself. "I can imagine"
It was quiet for a while, the only thing that could be heard was the water dripping down Tanya's fingers as she washed the soap off her hands. "I heard you rode with Prince Aemond. Are you on good terms again?"
Alyssa waited to answer. She slipped into the bath so that her head ended up under the surface of the water. There she stayed for a couple of seconds. Meanwhile, Tanya went to get her nightgown.
Alyssa lifted her head out of the water and got out of the bath. The water dripped onto the floor while she put on her robe and went to sit down on the bed.
Tanya sat down behind her and began drying and combing her hair. "I do not know"
Tanya sat quietly, waiting for her to continue.
"I hate to say it, but I don't trust him. I want to, but I don't" Tanya continued combing her hair as she nodded in understanding.
"All I know is that I'm stuck in a pact I can't break, soon in a marriage that will only lead to shame and loneliness and I want my friend back. But it's hard after what happened on driftmark"
Tanya was braiding her hair while talking. Once it was done, she signaled for Alyssa to stand up. The robe came off and the nightgown came on.
"Thanks, Tanya. We'll talk more tomorrow"
She nodded and put away the oils and scents. Then I was out the door.
Alyssa collapsed on the bed and let out a long growl of annoyance. The wedding had been moved back, so instead of a week, it was in two days and the Queen wanted to meet in the morning for the final plans.
Hi! This was a very short chapter but i hope it was still likeble.
Do comment if you have eny ideas, it motivates me to get feedback❤️

𝑨 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 // 𝑨𝒆𝒈𝒐𝒏 𝑰𝑰 𝑻𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒆𝒏
Fanfiction𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 1 Note from the Author: The earlier chapters may contain some misspellings as they were written over a year ago. I plan to revise and update them soon-thank you for your patience! Princess Alyssa Velaryon, the firstborn child and only daugh...