35. Our Life

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"Would you say these would suit me?" Alyssa held up one of the dresses the queen had given her. One of them was made of green silk fabrics with loose sleeves and a v cut at the chest that didn't show too much clevage. Aegon frowned and shook his head, the water around him splashing slightly as he pulled his arms out of the water to place them on the edge of the tub.

"I'm totally the wrong person to ask about dresses, but I know I don't want to see you with my mother's style." He said, pulling himself under the water for a moment.

Alyssa sighed and put the dress down on the bed, they were truly beautiful which was surprising considering that Alicent was very pious and the choice of clothes could have been much worse.

The water splashed as Aegon pulled himself back up to the surface to catch his breath. He looked up at Alyssa who was leading him with a smile. She dipped her hand in the water and then shook it off as she pulled it out of the water.

"It's going to be cold, you better get up now" She said and splashed a little water in his face and turned around. He recoiled from the water and got up from the bath. Taking a towel around his waist.

She stood there beaming at him as he ran towards her. She jumped up on the bed and then down on the floor on the other side and he ran after her. The laughter echoed in the chamber as Aegon grabbed her arm and pulled her down onto the bed so that she was lying under him.

"You really want to mess with me, don't you?" He asked, Places one hand on her head and the other next to her head to support himself.

She looked up at him with innocent eyes, "I would never ever dream of that" Without warning, she pushed him away from her, making him lie on his back, She then lay on top of him, her arms resting on his chest.

He raised his hand to trace his thumb over her bottom lip. "Where did you come from? Are you a gift from the gods?"

"That doesn't sound like something you'd say when we got married," she jested and looked away from him.

He cupped her face and let their lips collide with each other. "And yet, I can't imagine a life where you're not with me without feeling dread."

His words warmed her whole body, so long had she wept over this life, with Aegon. But now she could only feel more and more love the more days they spent together.

"Can I ask you something, my love?"

"Whatever you want?"

"What is it that you want? You've made it clear many times how you don't like this life, if you had the chance to choose, what would you choose to do?"

Aegon didn't answer for a moment, the expression on his face showed his meticulous thinking.

"If I had a choice, I would travel across the narrow sea, live in a house somewhere where no one knows who I am, and just live out my days as a free man with the woman I love."

She was taken back by his wish, many times she had wondered if they wanted to make him king after Viserys's death. But Aegon didn't want it at all.

"So we'd take a boat and sail across the narrow sea, buy a house, change our names, and dye our hair black?"

He hummed and started playing with her curls that were hanging down. He wanted so badly to tell her that he was serious, that all he wanted was to run away with her somewhere far away from all this nagging about succession that his mother and grandsire would always remind him of. He was interrupted from his thoughts as she rested her head on his chest.

"You would look very handsome in dark hair" She mumbled, closing her eyes. Aegon ran his hand through her silky hair and enjoyed the sound of her heavy breathing as she fell asleep.

He turned them over slowly and carefully so as not to wake her. He laid his head on the pillow next to her and pulled her hair out of her face.

"One day my dear, you and I will have a life to ourselves. It's going to be our life without our family members deciding for us," he whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.


Breakfast the next day with the rest of the family was unavoidable. To Aegon's dismay who would much rather remain their chambers.

Alicent sat between the king and Otto hightower, talking about something that Aegon wasn't so interested in eavesdropping on. Helaena and Daeron sat next to the king but did not engage in any type of conversation with the three of them.

Alyssa sits next to him and eats and listens to the king who all of a sudden started talking to her about something. Aegon's gaze moved around the room and with nothing more to look at, he slipped his hand under the table.

He could feel Alyssa's hand hanging down from the handrail and tangled their hands together. She turned her head to give him a smile then returned back to her conversation with viserys.

Alicent looked at the two of them and how close they had grown, she smirked with pride because she knew it would happen sooner or later, given Aegon's past effection for her, even though he never said it out loud.

"Alyssa, Dearest" she called, Alyssa turned the Queen's head and gave her a court nod. "Yes, my queen"

"After breakfast, come with me to the maesters," she said, and continued to eat. Aegon looked at her in wonder. "Why? Are you ill?"

His voice was normal with a hint of concern in it. The queen looked up at them and shook her head.

"No Aegon, we're going to the maester for a check-up. Nothing dangerous"

Alyssa slowly pulled her hand from his hold and nodded. "As you wish".


Hii, sorry for a short update but this is just a fill in chapter. And I hate to write those.

But the next chapter will be better i hope. Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️

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