6. To Kings Landing

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It has been five years since Alyssa and her family moved to dragonstone, during that time her dragon egg had hatched, sixteen years later it happened. But out came not just one dragon, but two. Twin dragons, two male dragons, one had dark green scales with black eyes. She chose to call him Terraxes, the other had coal black scales with dark green eyes. He was named Verraxes. They were still small, so one used to sit on her shoulder and the other on her arm.

The princess walks through the castle, her wavy hair swaying back and forth as she made her way to the hall. Where Jacerys practiced high Valerian with the master, little Aegon played on the ground with Joffrey. Luke sat laughing at Jace as he tried to remember the translations.

"What is happening?" He whispered to Luke. "Our brother wants to learn High valyrian in a day, and it's helarious"

She chuckled at him, after a cuple of minutes she realised, it was hilarious. Jace got so frustrated when he got it wrong. Not that Alyssa's and Luke's laughing made it easier for him, but also, they were not trying to.

Rhaenyra entered the hall, holding her hand on her swollen belly. She and Daemon were expecting their second child.

Alyssa got up from her chair and walked towards little Aegon, who was sitting and playing on the floor next to the fireplace. She sat down next to him and started playing with him, waving different toys in front of him to catch his interest.

The doors to the hall opened and Daemon entered. He didn't look happy. In his hand he held a scroll with the king's seal on it.

Daemon looked at Rhaenyra, and handed the scroll to her. She already knew it must be something bad considering her husband's sour face.

She read the letter over and over.

My dearest Daughter

it has been so long since we were granted the joy of your precense, and for what i hear, my dearest granddaughter is Six and ten years old. I would like for her to move back to Kings Landing for the wedding with prince Aegon. The Queen and I eagerly await her return.

King Viserys

She sighed loudly and turned to Alyssa. The Nannies took the small children out of the hall and left the adults behind.

"I just received news from the king, he requests your arrival in the capital. For your wedding to Prince Aegon"

Alyssa's face sank, she didn't want to go back. She didn't want to leave her happy life on dragonstone for a life in Kings Landing with a man who will never love her or even care, a man who will only embarrass her.

Rhaenyra saw her daughters discomfort and went to her side grabbig her hands. "My dear, we will all be there for the wedding. We Will sent letters and visit. I promise"

She just nodded. What else was there to say, what else was there to do. But to pack and leave.

"Go and pack, we'll have the carrige loaded. And your dragons will come with you as well" She walked away.

"You could allways betroth her to me" Jace said after hearing the whole conversation. He didin't want to wed his sister to a drunk womanizer. Who would?

"I know Jace, but I made a deal with the queen years ago. It was necessary for peace."


The servants enter and exit Alyssa's chamber with chests of her personal possessions. Since her dragons aren't big enough to fly, she has to get to the capital by ship.

It is windy on the isolated island in the middle of the sea. Her silver curls were blown behind by the wind. The waves were crashing aggressively against the rocks, this is going to be one hell of a boat ride Alyssa thought as she looked at her handmaiden Tanya who was looking back at her as if she knew what Alyssa was thinking.

Daemon walked down the stairs, down to Alyssa. He held out his arm to her. "Let's go for a walk" she took his arm and they strolled along the water.

"I know you don't want this, but you should know that if that cunt gets his hands on you, I'll cut his cock off along with his grandsire's head."

"You would be executed" she laughed, a smile on her face.

"I'd die a happy man" He said smugly with a grin on his face.

They walked a little more before Daemon stopped, turned to Alyssa and placed his hands on her upper arms. "I mean it"

She smiled at him, after Laenor died she was against the idea of ​​her mother marrying Daemon, but over time she learned he wasn't all that bad.

He wrapped his arms around her in an embrace which she happily accepted. "Thank you father" she whispered, he pulled back and opened his mouth to say something before Rhaenyra called to them from the stairs.

Rhaenyra pulled Alyssa into a hug "I'll write every week"

She said goodbye to her little brothers and turned to Jace. "Be careful with that syclops over in Kings Landing" She chuckles at him and nudged him on the shoulder.

"We will miss you, sister" Luke said smiling.

"I'll miss you too" She leaned into his ear and whispered "Update me on jace's progress with High Valerian" They both started laughing uncontrollably. "I heard that," Jace said.

Daemon kissed her forehead and hugged her again. "Remember what I've said, Alyssa" she nodded. Talya walked behind her as they boarded the ship. This was going to be a long journey.


They had been sitting on the boat for hours, it was getting dark and Alyssa was sitting leaning against the edge of the ship, she was looking at the eternal sea.

Tanya came up behind her and stood in silence for a moment. "Do you miss them?" Alyssa didn't look up, her eyes fixed on the sea. "Which?"

Tanya took a stool and sat down next to her. "The King, Queen, Princes, Princess Helaena" Alyssa shifted her gaze from the blue sea to Tanya. "Princess Helaena has always been dear to me, the king as well. I thought Prince Aemond was also one of my friends, but he made it clear that night what he thought of me and my brothers.

The queen has been kind, but I don't trust her, nor her father for that matter.

And we won't even talk about Aegon"

Tanya nodded and looked down at the princess's chest. The injury had healed, but left a visible scar across the chest. Despite that, she didn't hide it.

"You should go in now, it's cold, you'll catch a cold" Alyssa stood up and walked towards the room. "We are approaching king's landing now my lady. The captain claims we will be there early tomorrow"

Alyssa pulled on her nightgown and took out the braid she had in her hair. "Thank you, Tanya. You are dismissed for tonight" She nods at the princess and leaves her alone. The door closed behind her.

The bed was warm and comforting, except for the fact that the boat was rocking and that was annoying. She tossed and turned, not being able to sleep. A tear left her eye as she thought of a marriage with Aegon, she remembers well what he said.

'I won't Change, I will continue to drink, i will continue to sleep with whomever i want and I won't let you, my mother or someone else stop me'

She would be alone, surrounded by people who hates her. Finally she fell asleep, but it was not a peaceful sleep.

The light beamed in through the window and landed on Alyssa's face. She was tired, exhausted rather. The bed creaked when she sat up, her hair was a mess, she was a mess. She stood up and walked towards the window.

Outside the capital was seen, the city and the grand castle. And in the sky, a large green dragon flew circeling the castle.

They were there, she was back


She's back. Finaly.

𝑨 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 // 𝑨𝒆𝒈𝒐𝒏 𝑰𝑰 𝑻𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒆𝒏Where stories live. Discover now