The carriages were ready outside the castle in the yard and servants filled them with luggage that belonged to the royals who were going on this journey.
It felt so good for Alyssa to get out of the castle for a little while, to have the chance to relax and hopefully get a good night's sleep after all these weeks of nightmares. Aegon's warm hand held hers as they descended the stairs that led to their carriage which they were to share with Jace, the Queen, her mother, the king, and Baela.
It was the largest of the other carriages so that they could all fit, while Helaena sat with Daeron, Aemond and all the children in a single carriage like Daemon, Rhaena, Little Aegon and Viserys with Luke.
Alyssa wondered why her sons couldn't sit in the same carriage as her, but the queen had said that it would be better if the boys got some time with their little cousins and Helaena.
Her displeasure was written all over her face, and Aegon must have noticed it since he gave her hand a squeeze. "Don't worry my love, Baelon was very excited to play with Jaeharys and spend time with the others. I'm sure they'll make it through a few hours without us."
"I suppose you are right, But I can imagine what this will be a... Interesting journey."
She didn't have to put it into words for him to understand what she meant. A carriage with his mother, her mother, his father, Jaecarys, Baela and the two of them in one carriage was As if they wanted it to be chaos.
Everyone was gathered in the outer courtyard waiting for the king, they looked like a fucking battlefield with the queen and her sons and daughter on one side, and her mother with her siblings on the other side.
Alyssa tried to ignore this idiotic rivalry and focused on Baelon and Rhaegar who seemed ever so excited about this.
Rhaegar was held in Alyssa's arms, he pointed to a flower that was in a bush near them and Alyssa picked one off and gave it to Rhaegar who accepted it without wasting a second. "Isn't it pretty? Yes it is" she cooed.
"Dada! Wook, We play swords!"
Baelon sprinted He held two sticks in his arms, one larger and one smaller and much thinner. He looked so pleased as he walked up to his father and handed him the little stick and kept the big one, ready to fight.
"Is this what I'm getting?" Aegon's eyes found Alyssa standing there shaking her hand over her mouth. "What's so amusing?"
"Nothing, nothing. Play with your son now."
Baelon nudged Aegon's leg with his stick impatiently, "Come on! Fight!"
Alyssa tried to leave father and son alone for a few moments, focusing on Baela walking up to her, beaming at the little boy in her arms. "Let him go now, it's my turn."
She relented and handed Rhaegar over to Baela, he was quickly attached to her curly hair and tried to pull at it. "You may be the most jumpy and happiest little Babe I've ever seen, yes you are."
Alyssa's eyes were fixed on Aegon and Baelon playing around, many servants passing by with luggage smiling at the two princes. She couldn't help smiling at them, even though Aegon was going to lose at any moment with that tiny stick Baelon had given him.
"You know Jace only wants the best for you, right?"
Baela's voice made her take her eyes off her husband and son and instead to her. Her gaze was warm and friendly and her mouth held a small smile as she spoke.
She hadn't given it her brother's comment in the garden much thought. There was a bitter and sour feeling in her mouth as she thought about the whole thing that was going on in the garden, especially about the way Aemond treated Rhaegar. "My brother should learn to mind his own business."

𝑨 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 // 𝑨𝒆𝒈𝒐𝒏 𝑰𝑰 𝑻𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒆𝒏
Fanfic𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 1 Note from the Author: The earlier chapters may contain some misspellings as they were written over a year ago. I plan to revise and update them soon-thank you for your patience! Princess Alyssa Velaryon, the firstborn child and only daugh...