31. My Love

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The room was dark, no candles, no fire cracking in the fireplace just darkness. By the Windows the mooligt spreads onto the wall where Alyssa stood, her arms crossed and eyes closed. Aegon was gone, surely taken by a sertain woman with dark curls. She had not said a words to him ever since she came back from dragonstone and she found no Reason to do so.

'why would i when i can pay close to nothing for someone who knows what they are doing'

He had said the day before her departure. Tears dwelled in her eyes by just thinkin of it.

She had been well aware of his ways even before this insident but she had thought that they were doing well, making progress, even developing some type of affection for one another. But what do I know, the thought, wiping away the tears with her palm. The princess did not even understand the Reason she was crying, she shouldn't care.

Her entire body rested against the Wall by the window and just then did she realized how cold it actually was in the room due to no fire after she dissmissed the maids before supper. The thin material of her nightgown didin't provide eny warmth for her, nether would enything else. A sob escaped her throat as she sealed her eyes closed shut. Curse this wedding and curse this pact, damn the once who took part in it, the thought repeated itself like a song in her head but stopped when the door cracked open.

She wiped back her tears and inhaled, trying to pull herself together.

Thinking it might be a maid she clears her throat to at least sound normal "I wish to be alone" It remained silent, so silent that Alyssa could hear her unsteady heartbeat and shaky breath's that she tried her best to hide.

The door closed and yet she still felt like there was someone there and it angered her. Could someone just fucking listen.

"I said get out" she comanded once more, but this time with a more stern and even slightly harsh. As she turned around to meet the eyes of whomever it was that had entered. She did not know what to do then, should she yell? The princess had not though of that.

It took her by surprise to see her husband standing there by the door, most of his face hidden in the shadows. It felt as if she had swallowed her own tounge, and it did not help that he were silent as well. Twas like he waited for her to speak.

"What are you doing here, Aegon?" she asked, immediately feeling stupid, it was their shared chamber after all so of course he would show up eventually. However he had no problem sleeping somewhere else in the past.

Alyssa remained still by the window as he came closer, his face became more visible in the moonlight, he looked like he hadn't slept in days but she told herself she did not care.

His hand lifted to touch the soft skin of her cheek and then lower to her jaw. But she refused to give him the satisfaction of thinking that she enjoyed it and kept her eyes open as his fingers trailed down her cheek bone to the jaw.

Despite all this she made no move to stop him or to remove herself from the spot.

"I wanted to see you" he said, as if it were obvious "you haven't said a word to me in days, ignoring me in the hall's, not spearing me so much as a glance" his tone was sealed with sadness, like it had been her fault, like she did not have a perfectly good reason to stay away.

"I'm sure you have found other ways to spend your time, probably with someone who knows what they are doing"

He lowered his head at the response, he knew that she had heard everything he told his mother, but all those things where nothing but lies, it was mearly tiresome to hear his mother's nagging every single day about everything but though it was his mother he wished to hurt, it was someone more special to him that got hurt instead.

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