2. Dragonless

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AT: Some of the events in house of the dragon will take longer time. With that i mean that Viserys has not lost and arm at this point. He looks like he did in the first 5 episodes. Enjoy the chapter :)

The day was still young as Alyssa sat by the burning fireplace where her unhatched dragon eggs rested safely over the orange flames.

She pulled her knees up to her chest to rest her head on them as she stared at the egg, many had told her that it would never hatch but since it still hadn't turned to stone there was still hope for her unlike Aemond who turned to stone a long time ago.

The two had been dragonless for over eleven years and yet he was the only one who was bullied for it. The thought then crossed her mind that this might have been the reason he spoke to her the day before. That she shouldn't socialize with Aegon because he treated Aemond so horribly.

The door opens and her handmaid Tanya entered. She lowers her head out of respect.
"Good morrow princess. I have brought your breakfast" She said, placing the tray of food on the small table.

"Thank you Tanya"

With a smile, the slightly older girl went to the closet and pulled out a pale blue dress and placed it neatly on the bed while Alyssa's hair was braided by another handmaid.

"you look beautiful princess"

Alyssa gave her a grateful look and began to eat her food. Tanya wasn't that much older than her when Alyssa was ten and one while Tanya was ten and six years old. So instead of seeing her as a regular and simple handmaid, she was like a big sister to the young princess who had had her as a handmaid all her life.

"Eat with me, I hate eating by myself Tanya"

"You know I can't, besides, I'm full."

"You're lying, the bread you're served can't possibly be enough to fill you, come and sit down, please"

Tanya held her hands in front of her and chuckled at the young girl, it was impossible to make her regret once she had made up her mind. "Is it a request? Or an order?" she asked with a mischievous smile. Because if it was an order, she can't be punished for it.

"I, Princess Alyssa Velaryon, order you to sit down and help me finish my breakfast." she played along, it was always their little thing to go on like this back and forth.

She sat down next to Alyssa and started eating freely from the table, Alyssa was completely silent while they ate and so was Tanya.

Despite the silence, it was a very comfortable silence that was only needed occasionally, but to no one's surprise, the door was opened with a very breathless and stressed Lucerys.

""What is it Luke?" she asked without looking up from her plate, there was some kind of fuss with him and the other boys that she wanted to be out of for one morning, one damn morning.

"Mother is giving birth, me and Jace will go and pick an egg for the Babe."

Her face flew up from her plate from the news, maybe the gods would bless her with a little sister.

"You go and find an egg with Jace and I'l go to mother" She instructed and ran out the door before Luke could say anything.


"Keep breathing" the midwife stood behind her. Encourageing her to push. She inhaled and let out shaky breaths.

"And push! " she groaned in pain as she pushed with all her power. She stopped, took in a deap breath and pushed again.

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