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That's the aesthetic in this scene:

That's the aesthetic in this scene:

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(actually imagine that it would be less than the mess it would actually create, for example the honey does not drop to the linen and all XD aaand it's not uncomfortable sticky yk)

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(actually imagine that it would be less than the mess it would actually create, for example the honey does not drop to the linen and all XD aaand it's not uncomfortable sticky yk)

(Song: Streets~ Doja Cat)

Aresu sat on the bed. The silky material of Rafe's new blanket made her skin shiver. The fabric never seemed to get warm, felt like a river-bed and altogether like lying in a pleasurable sea.
"Close your eyes," he whispered, his nose brushed the side of her neck, lips briefly tasting the brim of her earlobe.
She sat with the back faced to the room, knees pulled up to her chest, obeying his amends.
"Close them, dear." His voice sent shivers down her spine while his lips kissed her neck tenderly.
And she did what she was told to.
"Good girl," he said and his dark voice filled the room with its everlasting presence.
His godly tongue gliding against her neck in one swift moment.
Suddenly wet fingers brushed over her skin, the sticky liquid dripping down her naked body, flowing like rivers, but just as silently as snowflakes.
Another wet finger touched her neck, brushing over her collarbones and moved her chin so her head was bent sideways.
"You're so sweet," he mumbled, before his tongue found her skin and glid over it again. Now there was in fact a reason for him to do so. The honey wet his lips.
Aresu let out a sigh, neck bending even further sideways, lips quivering softly.
His bare muscular chest touched her back, the touch of skin to skin being a hot fire in contrast to the ice-cold blankets.
His knees shuffled until he sat right behind her, pressed against her hot skin, tongue still gliding over the honey-wetted skin.
Relieve and pleasure filled her abdomen as the honey continued to flow, dropping down.
The room was covered in a blood-red light due to the lamp on the counter that glistened like fire. Candles burnt in their holders, flickering in and out of vision, making brief appears in her half-lidded eyes.
Aresu's hands traveled down, touching his waist, while she turned around to be chest to chest to him.
The honey was dripping slightly down her chest, covering parts of her breasts, her neck and abdomen.
His hands brushed over the soft and sticky skin, touched her neck and pulled her closer.
Their lips brushed, before Grisu touched his member, stroking it, touching it so very softly that she had Rage begging for more.
Her half-lidded eyes remained focused on his blue ones.
And green met blue.
Their lips, both covered with the soft sweetness of the liquid, locked together in perfect alliance, while Aresu curved her spine in pleasure.
The little wooden honey-box was placed on the sheets next to them when Rafe once again held up the twisted, wooden spoon and unexpectedly Aresu bent forward to catch the sweet honey with her mouth, the liquid flowing over her swollen lips, before she licked at it passionately.
The spoon itself was warm to its material, the soft yellowish wood feeling soft underneath her tongue. The honey itself was cold.
Her hands got ahold of the spoon, moved it closer to Rafe's neck and the wood brushed over it.
Rafe twitched involuntarily at the cold touch, his eyes closing rapidly.

It felt magnetizing, having her close to his skin again. It felt absolutely wonderful when she stroked him up and down, when she got dominant and ordered things herself, it was absolutely breathtaking when she kiss-licked away the honey on his collarbones, while her fingers closed around his dick.
"I want you," he whispered, his lust creeping up further.
"I want to make you into a mess of gorgeous chaos and I want to see it in your eyes. Show them to me, baby."
His fingers closed around her chin— a soft touch but also demeaning.
"You're striving for chaos?" Aresu tilted her head.
"I'm striving for you."
Aresu looked up and directly at him.
The light of the candles flickered in her green eyes and made them look like a ballroom full of dancing couples. They looked almost ancient in their deep and craving being.
And Rafe knew one thing:
That girl was the burning flame of his heart.
And that only this girl held power over storm and time, never withering, never too bright.

His lips found hers again and this night dragged on as long as a whole lifetime.

If you wanna see the honey dripping listen to those songs and imagine them making out:

You loving me is my biggest flex ~Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now