Chapter 2

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"Someone got a visit from Santa's helper last night?" Zach asks me in the break room while we're getting our coffees.

"Ha, I wish. Remember Cassidy came to Christmas dinner at my folks?" I say with a sip. I'm fucking exhausted, we got up early so I could be in on time. She's luckily off for Christmas break.

"Oh shit that's right! She's a gambler when she's drunk!" He laughs recalling the night we made the bet. She was 3 sheets to the wind and I knew it.

"Yeah so we ended up staying the night cause of the storm." I tell him and he cuts me off.

"How'd you pull that off? Same bed?" He wonders.

"Ha, yeah actually but no lines were crossed."

"Really? That's surprising."

"What? Why?"

"Dude, c'mon. You got a hot girl in the same bed as you and you expect me to believe you kept your hands to yourself?"

"Swear dude. Besides, she'd slit my fucking throat if I touched her." I say and we laugh.

"So they buy it?" He asks while we head out to our cars.

"Yeah, she embarrassed me a few times in-front of my parents that had me on my toes but it worked. Not one mention of Tori either." I say relieved.

Tori was my girlfriend in high school and a couple years after. She was my rock all through police academy and everything I had to do to become a cop. Soon after I graduated the academy we broke up, it was a little messy and I regret it to this day. My parents loved her and talk about her almost every time I see them. Hence why I wanted a date this year. But, that's all a story for another time, I hate even thinking about it.

"Well maybe you and Cassidy should try it for real again."

"No. Do you really not remember what happened back in February? Almost a year ago?!" I test and he sighs.

"So the date went bad, I say give it another chance." He says. I can't believe him. Cassidy and I went out back in February after both Jason and Kristen agreed we'd be great together. Well let me say it went absolutely fucking terrible! It's the night that completely changed our entire friendship to nothing but pure hatred.
10 months ago...

I picked Cassidy up at her place, went to the door, with flowers and all. She looked beautiful, she always looks good but the pink colored dress she wore just did a little more.

"So I thought we could go ice skating first and then eat, or if you're hungry now we can eat?" I left it up to her because thats what a gentlman would do.

"I'm not very hungry right now. So we can wait." She says and I'm glad cause I'm not that hungry either.

The rest of the drive goes good, we listen to music and talk about whatever. It's not like we've never talked so there wasn't a whole lot to get to know about each other.

We get to the rink, it's not too busy, we barely have to wait in line. As we get the skates on I try and figure out if she's going to be good at this or not. Judging by the way she's getting her skates on, I have a feeling she's definitely an amateur.

"Want help?" I offer after waiting a couple seconds for her to finish lacing them up. She laughs and nods. I get down infront of her and hold her foot between my legs.

"Wow. You're fast." She says when I already finished tying them for her and I'm getting back up on my feet.

"I am, when I have to be." I wink at her and she laughs. I had to test the waters a little and see where she stood. I just like to have an idea of how tonight's gonna go. Does she hook up on first dates or not? I don't give myself any rules with shit like that. We wanna have sex? Let's have sex, why should the number of the date matter? I've known this girl longer than I would a typical date so it's even more acceptable in my eyes.

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