Chapter 17

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   It's 4th of July weekend and it's only been a couple days since everything went down with Trent and I. I still planned on going up to the lake house with everyone like last year but obviously us being a thing will be new.

"Oh I thought you'd be ready." Trent tells me entering my room. Clearly seeing the mess of clothes all over my bed.

"Yeah I know don't even start." I huff with a wave of my finger.

"Can I help in any way?" He asks hopefully taking the hint I'm stressed trying to pack.

"No. I'm pissed off so it's best if you just don't talk to me."

"Why are you pissed off?"

"Because! I have one bathing suit that semi fits over my fat ass and plus my feet have been so damn swollen I can't even wear any shoes I own so I guess I'll just go barefoot!"  I feel so many feelings coming over me I don't know if I want to scream or cry.

"Woah woah calm down."

"I can't! I know I sound fucking crazy to be practically crying over something so stupid but I can't help it I just-"

"It's your hormones baby." He interrupts and his term of endearment sorta catches me off guard. He rubs my back a second in comfort and I get a glance at his eyes. He's being so sweet and patient.

"I just didn't expect to be like this."

"Be like what? Hormonal?"

"Yeah. It hasn't happened until now." I shrug and Trent cocks his head at me like that's not true. "Have I been? Really?" I question because now I'm thinking back to if it's true.

"It's okay."

"Oh my god. I've been a bitch, I'm sorry." My own words bring out more emotion in me.  I genuinely feel terrible about not being able to handle my own feelings no matter how much I try. Just last night I hung up on him after he made a joke about how I'm starting to waddle a little. Looking back it really wasn't mean or rude at all. But in the moment for some reason it struck a nerve.

"Don't worry about it. It's all good." He chuckles with another comforting hand on my back. I wipe my eyes to stop any more tears from coming.

"I still love you." He says making my heart flutter. I look up at him, everything around us is a blur to me. Did he really just say it? Fully admitting his feelings? The only thing I had to go off of the last few days was when he admitted he was falling in love. Not fully in love.

"You mean it?"

"Course I mean it. I told you I was."

"You never said it like that, just that it was like in the process of happening..."

"Oh well yeah I'm there. Sorry I guess I should've said it better?"

"No it's okay. It's just surreal." I say and he grabs my hands. I guess I should tell him the same back. Not out of obligation, I feel the same way but I'll be damned if I was gonna say it first.

"I love you too." I watch him smile before he kisses me softly. "My goal for this weekend is to show you how much." I add.

"Hmm is that right?" He flirts back and we kiss again.

"What's wrong with right now?" His hands start to wander.

"Ha, cause we need to get on the road...I gotta finish packing." I remind him and get back to it. All my frustration and anger went away from earlier about not knowing what to pack. I throw the necessity's in my bag and we leave.

  By the time we get to the lake house I have a bladder ready to explode. Trent stopped once for me but then there were no stops the last 20 minutes.

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