Chapter 31- The Final Chapter

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                   -6 Months Later-


I am halfway through watching the bachelorette when Trent gets home. I pause it and finish the last bite of ice cream in my bowl.

"Hey." I say.


"I put your plate of dinner in the microwave."

"Thanks." He says and puts his stuff down. He's off, he's usually excited to see what I made him but he takes his time. He must've had a bad day, I know to tread lightly and not ask too many questions. I get up to put my bowl in the dishwasher and see if he starts to talk.

"I love you." I say because maybe he needs to hear it, I hug him too. I'm expecting him to hug me tighter than he is back but he doesn't.

"Babe I don't know what to do." He says letting go. I can hear it in his voice, desperation.

"Talk to me, what's going on?" My stomach gets a knot. Our wedding is in 2 days, rehearsal dinners tomorrow. Is he getting cold feet? Does he not want to do it?

"I can't. You'll tell her."

"Tell who?" I ask and wait but he's just shaking his head.

"Trent what happened?" I'm confused, it doesn't sound like it's wedding related which is good but I'm still nervous.

"Swear you won't tell her. It can't come from you."

"Tell who!?"


"What about her? What happened?"


"I swear. What is it?!" I'm getting impatient and anxious.

"Brian's cheating on her." He says and my eyes just about pop out of my head. I know they have their ups and downs but I never saw this coming.

"What!? With who?!"


"Monica?! See! I fucking knew she was a little hoe!"

"You did. Just worried about her with the wrong guy I guess."

"What the fuck. How do you know this?"

"Zach saw it. Got a video. I saw some questionable things a few weeks back but didn't really think it was anything."

"A video of what?" And Trent hesitates. "Oh god please..." I assume the worst.

"It's bad yeah."

"No...what a fucking dick."

"I know. I should've known though, I'm a cop and I missed the signs."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for one he was distancing himself from all of us. Including her. And get this. They both went to see Alabama a few months back."

"That stuff doesn't mean much, I wouldn't say that makes it obvious babe." I say trying to comfort him, he's mad at himself.

"No cause It's like I didn't want it to be true so I told myself it wasn't. If he wasn't at the concert with her then why would he lie about it? Why would he say he went with Nicole when I know Nicole wasn't there, she was at home with the kids thinking he was at some training thing. Overnight."

"How do you even know that?"

"Because you told me that. Back when he went all weird at that arrest? At the gas station? It was that week. Same week as the concert, same week he told Nicole he had training. There was no fucking training."

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