Chapter 19

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Well, I'm not sure how today's going to go but I'm hoping for the best. My mom's throwing Cassidy and I a baby shower and I'm bringing a pretty big surprise along, later. I know Cassidy's excited but I know she's also already overwhelmed with all the stuff. Jason and Kristen went home with an entire truck bed full of stuff for their twins and so I think she's envisioning close to the same. I'm just not sure where she's gonna put it all I guess. Her place isn't that big and she doesn't have an attic or basement. I'd offer up room at my place but I'm afraid she'll bite my head off and demand she's capable of figuring it out herself. So I just keep my mouth shut. For now.

When I get to her place I head inside, I have a key now. I head to her room when I don't see her anywhere downstairs.

"Cass? It's just me." I warn her as I make my way to her room.

"I figured." She huffs out, throwing a dress on her bed along with another 20 that already lay there. Shit. I have a sister, I know this situation all too well. She doesn't know what to wear. I take a hard swallow and slap a smile on my face.

"Damn, don't you look beautiful." I lean against her door frame and say. She's wearing a short baby blue dress, it's tight. I like it.

"Shut up." She rolls her eyes.

"What? You do! We got some time, I can prove it to you." I go in for a hug, attempting to grab her waist.

"Huh no. I don't feel pretty or sexy." She pushes me away with her fingers and walks past me.

"Well you are. I'm getting hard just watching you."

"No, look at my feet. This is the only pair of shoes that fit with how swollen they are. This dress fits differently than it did a month ago when I bought it and I should've curled my hair instead because-"

"Babe... Cassidy stop. You look beautiful, please don't think you don't."

"You can't change my mind."


"Cause my opinion is my opinion."

"Well my opinion is a fact. So I win." I make her break that she smiles finally.

"Ha, see I got ya." I point out and grab her. She's laughing and trying to break out of my embrace at the same time.

"Trentttt stop let me go, seriously."

"Alright fine. Are you excited?"


"You're not?"

"I just don't like charity."

"It's not charity. It's our first baby, this is what you do. Let people give you gifts in celebration of the new life."

"Back up the truck. Our first baby...?!" She holds a hand up.

"You know what I mean."

"There will be no more baby's after this one. No, absolutely not."

"It wasn't a serious thing I was just saying-" I try to back peddle.

"You just mistakenly said." She corrects.

"Yup." I shut up and follow her out. I'm treading as lightly as I can today to keep the peace.

When we get there, mom has the outside all decorated nicely. Cassidy smiles at it all, I'm sure she'll feel all the love today from my family.

She doesn't know some of the people when we get in but I make sure to introduce her to them. I have a lot of family, it's crazy. Kristen arrives with Liv who's holding gifts. Kristen's huge and smiles as she wobbles over to Cassidy for a hug.

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