Chapter 21

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"Stop being such a wimp and fuck me!" Cassidy exclaims, pulling away from the kiss and smacks me in the chest.

"Babe would you stop! Yelling at me and calling me a wimp isn't gonna get you anywhere!" I argue, she grunts with annoyance. She's a day over due and pissed at the world about it. She's been uncomfortable, irritable and just frustrating to deal with at times. The smallest thing sets her off and then the whole days ruined. And she thinks she's ready to have this baby...I'm fucking ready dude.

"Why won't you!? You never had any complaints about getting laid before!"

"Because 3 times in one day is exhausting. For anyone." I make sure to take a deep breath before talking or it'll just escalate.

"Oh bull! We've done it 3 times before!"

"Maybe in 24 hours! It's noon Cassidy." I point out with a small laugh. She's kinda hot when she's mad. Not that I'd ever piss her off for that sole purpose but it has a perk.

"Whatever. You're just making excuses now. You think I'm ugly and fat. I get it." She leaves for the living room.

"Cassidy Lauren Reed do not even start."

"Well you've never turned me down before!"

"You've never wanted it like this. I wouldn't be able to finish, then you'd get pissed and it wouldn't be my fault, it would be yours for making me."

"I just want to induce labor, I'm done!"

"And we're trying Cass but not again till tonight I can't keep exerting so much energy."

"What if I do more of the work. What if I just ride you?"

"No, it's still tiring and I gotta produce more sperm, I can't just cum over and over again like you women."

"Whatever. You can leave then and I'll just do it myself." She says with a head shake and sits on the couch. As hot as that sounds I don't like when she pleases herself. I want to do it but I just can't again right now.

"Seriously?" I hold my hands out infront of me.

"Yeah, what are we gonna do? Sit and stare at eachother?"

"We could just hangout? Watch tv like a normal couple? We could go out?"

"I don't want to." She argues. We bicker a few more minutes before she surprisingly gives in.

We end up falling asleep for awhile and I faintly wake up to her talking to me about getting a pizza. Something about not wanting to pay a delivery fee. Before I can even reply I hear her leave out the front door. I sit up and look to see it's 3:30. Damn, we slept for 3 hours? That's impressive for sharing a couch with someone who's got a basketball shoved in their shirt.

   While she's gone I sit and look around her house. She has all the baby things ready. A swing in the living room. A basket with diapers and wipes on the coffee table, a bouncy seat in the corner. Then I think about how she's wanting to do this alone. I don't understand. I've been so open with her about how I feel, I'd move in to help, hell, that's what I want to do.

"I didn't remember what you liked so I got half sausage and peppers and half plain." Cassidy says upon entering the front door. She sets the pizza box on the counter and sets her purse and things down.

"I eat whatever." I mutter from the couch.

"What do you usually like?" She asks and looks over at me but I don't.


"Okay..." she says putting a piece on a plate. I get up and go over to get a slice myself. I'm so deep in my thoughts I can't even look at her.

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