Chapter 7

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   It's been about a  week since Jason and Kristen's wedding. I haven't seen or talked to Cassidy since the morning after. I contemplated reaching out so many damn times but stopped myself. Part of me wishes she'd reach out first so I knew it wasn't just me. I don't know what my intentions would be. I haven't had a girl fuck with my head like this for a long ass time.

"Turner. Got a minute?" Zach calls out behind me.

"Yeah, one sec." I finish pulling the paperwork from the filing cabinet I need and follow him to a storage closet. I'm a little confused but, I guess he really doesn't want people around.

"Everything good?" I ask when he shuts the door.

"What's up with you today?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're not on your game."

"Yeah I am." I scoff.

"Trent you totally blanked on that arrest."

"No I didn't, the hell are you talking about?" I ask referring back to the guy me and him just brought in less than a half hour ago. It was a solid arrest.

"You missed the knife in his pocket when you searched him and he had weed in his shoe."

"Oh. Shit."

"What's up with that?" He gestures his hands out.

"I don't know. Accident I guess."

"Hell of an accident. You can't be missing that shit on a pat down man."

"I know! I said it was an accident, it won't happen again."

"Better not, if it does you know what I have to do about it."

"You'd tell on me? Cmon man don't be a puss."

"I'm not being a puss! You do that again I don't have a fucking choice!"

"Whatever." I start to walk towards the door before I punch a hole in the wall when he steps in front of me.

"What the hell is up!? Just fucking tell me so I can try and help!" He asks and I shake my head. I can't tell him, I want to but I can't.

"We're best friends Trent, c'mon." He adds and I contemplate.

"It's just stupid girl shit. It's nothing."

"New girl?"

"Eh I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah it's new."

"Alright so what's the issue?"

"I like her." I say truthfully. When Zach doesn't say anything I look up at him and he's confused, rightfully so he doesn't have the full story.

"...Well that's good...?"

"Yeah but I don't know if she feels the same way."

"So you aren't dating? Is this just one of your hook up girls?"

"No...I mean, yeah. Yeah I guess."

"Trent..." he shakes his head at me.

"It's more than that. Well I mean it's not but it is..." I'm starting to get tongue tied and know I need to just shut up.

"Dude just talk to her then. I've never seen you this fucked up over a girl you screwed... I mean, Jesus."

"Yeah. I know. I will."

" get your head in the game, you're a solid cop people are gonna notice if you start screwing up."

"I know. It won't happen again. Thanks for keeping Brian out of it."

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