Chapter 14

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"So it takes an hour for them to see if it has a pecker or not?"

"Ha, it's not just for that. They measure like a bunch of things. Kristen said they look at like the heart and brain. The feet and hands, size of stomach, spine."

"Oh okay. Well hopefully it has all that."

"Trent." I cock my head at him cause I'm already scared something bad will show up.

"I'm kidding."

"It's not funny."


"What do you think it is?"

"I don't know, a boy?" He laughs.

"Yeah I don't really know either."

The nurse calls us back finally. We get to a darker lit room with the bed beside the ultrasound machine. They have a tv up in the wall in-front and a few other chairs. I sit down on the edge of the bed, Trent takes the chair beside it. I hand him my phone and water bottle so she can take my blood pressure. I try to keep myself as calm as possible so they don't have to send me to the hospital again to be monitored.

"112/66, good." She says releasing the pressure and taking the band off my arm. I'm relieved.

"So I'll let them know to give you a couple minutes so you can undress just waist down for the internal and then it's up to you if you wanna get dressed before they switch over to an abdominal."

"Oh? I didn't know they were doing an internal?" I say caught off guard. I mean it's not a big deal but with Trent here it's a little awkward. Plus I don't know the last time I shaved and I'm subconscious about that kind of thing. I just like to be prepared is all.

"She'll make it quick, it's just to measure the length of your cervix. Make sure it's long enough for delivery and such."

"And if it's not?"

"There's things you can do for that. But don't stress, one thing at a time alright?" She says and I nod as she leaves the room.

"You want me to step out?" Trent asks when I stand and reach for the button on my shorts.

"No it's fine. Not like you haven't seen it before." I sigh and pull them down. I quick fold my thong in between my shorts and set them in the other chair. I grab the linen sheet they laid out for me and drape it over me once I get back on the bed.

"You look good. In case no one's told you that."

"Yeah well the 15 pounds I've gained so far say different." I sigh and fix my hair that's being pulled from laying on it.

"You're pregnant. You're supposed to gain weight."

"I know. I just didn't realize it would bother me to see the numbers on the scale increasing every time I step on it."

"Then don't look." He shrugs and before I respond I stop and think. He's right, why do I look? If it bothers me to see the numbers I owe it to myself to ignore it.

"Cassidy?" A female voice calls out and a light knocking at the door.

The ultrasound technician comes in and gets started right away. She squirts lube on the huge wand that she's about to stick inside me. I bend my legs so my knees are in the air and she discreetly just sticks the thing in. I wince slightly at the pressure but relax once she's situated.

"Jesus..." I hear Trent mumble. I look over at him not realizing until now he wasn't with me when I got my first ultrasound done internally.

"It's not the whole thing." I tell him knowing that's gotta be what he's thinking.

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