Chapter 12

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   I get to Cheyannes place to have dinner and somehow tell her the truth. I'm nervous as hell because I could see two things happening. She either gets so mad about it and breaks up with me or...she's understanding and maybe has some sympathy. Which could still end in a breakup but that's up to her. As far as what I want...I don't know.

"Hi, how was your day?" She greets me with a kiss at the door.

"Good. How was yours?"

"Fine. Had some action with 2 tourists that got into a fight again in the Er but that's expected." She laughs off and I follow her to the kitchen.

"Ha, course. Smells good."

"Thanks it's lasagna, garlic bread and a salad."

"Sounds good." I say and we sit at the table together to start eating.

"How was your day really? I texted you earlier and you didn't answer so I figured you were pretty busy."

"Yeah. I was. I uh-" I'm getting nervous but I just gotta say it.

"Not that I mind you didn't answer, I don't answer at work all the time." She interrupts.

"Yeah no just dealing with some stuff, trying to stay focused is all." I set my fork down and sit back in the chair.

"Oh that's good then." She stammers a little, she has to know something's wrong by how tonight's going so far.

"I have something I need to tell you Cheyanne." I wipe my sweaty hands on my pants and brace myself.

"Yeah? Okay, what?" She asks and takes a drink. I look at her eyes one last time and remember how pretty they are because, in a few seconds they're either going to be full of tears or red with anger. Or both.

"I got Cassidy pregnant."


"Before we got back together, me and Cassidy got a little up close and personal."

"When?! I thought you guys had it out for each other! What the hell!?"

"It happened in February. She's due at the end of October."

"So do you want to be with her!? How long have you known!?" She's got a million questions...rightly so.

"I've known for a couple weeks. We didn't tell anyone for awhile though, I promise...wasn't just you."

"Huh. Okay so do you want to be with her?" Her eyes fill with tears and I feel some emotion inside myself as well.

"No. I want to be with you. But I want to be in the baby's life as much as I can too."

"Ok. I need a minute." Her voice sounds broken, she stands and leaves the room. I feel really bad but I can't do anything about it. It's a suck feeling.

"Cheyanne." I call out but she shuts the bathroom door. I sigh and stretch my neck, rub my face. I feel a little better it's off my chest but the unknown of what happens next has me anxious. I drink the entire glass of wine she set out for me before I go try and talk to her.

"Baby, let's talk about this. Nothing has to happen tonight, I still want to be with you." I assure and she opens the door. She's a mess so I hug her. Between her and Cassidy I'm getting a lot of practice dealing with emotional women. I've come a long way.

"I want to be with you too but I can't promise anything now." She says crying and wiping her tears.

"I'm not asking for anything."

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