Chapter 25

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Brian and Nicole came over this afternoon with the kids to visit. Brian hadn't met Weston yet and I could use the social interaction. Being cooped up inside all day everyday isn't ideal for my mental health. I try and get out of the house for a walk as much as I can but now that it's winter it's too cold for Weston. Thankfully I go to my doctor this week to see if they can prescribe me something for postpartum depression or whatever because I definitely have something going on. I think it's worse being mixed in with winter time.

"I just can't get enough of him. He gives me baby fever so bad." Nicole says holding Weston on the couch beside me.

"Oh great. I know what our next fights going to be about." Brian says overhearing. We all laugh. Nicole's in her 30s so I don't think she's serious. Plus, Landon's like 12 and Audra's 7. That's a pretty big age gap and to start all over would be a lot in my opinion.

"I want a little sister!" Audra exclaims to Brian butting into the conversation, this girl doesn't miss a thing.

"No, mommy was just kidding. We're not having anymore babies." Brian tells her and as we all can't help but laugh I notice Nicole isn't. She's smiling but she isn't laughing. There's definitely some history there but I won't ask. It's not my business and I'm sure it's a sore subject.

"Would you like to hold him Audra?" I ask trying to change the subject a little. Her face lights up and she walks over.

"You have to wash your hands first." Nicole tells her, she runs off excitedly.

"You just made her day." She tells me and I laugh.

"I'm getting another beer, anyone want one?" Trent stands and asks before heading to the kitchen.

"I do but I might have another slice of pizza too." Brian says and follows him out leaving me and Nicole alone.

"So you and Trent? How are things now that he's moved in here temporarily?"

"Better. I was stupid and should've taken him up on it from the beginning."

"Hey you didn't know what it would be like and you guys weren't together so that's kinda weird to just jump into."

"Yeah but the only reason he ended things was because I didn't want him to move in haha."

"Oh right. Yeah well, it is what it is. All that matters is you're getting the help you need and deserve. But don't forget I'm only a phone call and a 10 minute drive away. I can be here in no time, any hour of the day. You just call me."

"I know. I will. I really appreciate all you've done for us already." I say from the bottom of my heart. She really stepped up into what I would say to be one of my best friends the last few weeks. With Kristen having the twins just a couple weeks earlier than me she couldn't help much obviously and I didn't expect her to. My dad was going to come when Weston was 2 weeks old but where he lives in Florida ended up getting hit with a nasty hurricane so he had to postpone. Liv and Ashton did come to meet him once but they're both living their lives as single women in their prime. Last I heard Ashton went out to California for the winter and Liv went with her church down to Florida to help with the hurricane relief. We're just in different stages of life now and that's okay. If I wouldn't have gotten knocked up who knows what I'd be doing right now too.

After they leave I'm a little down in the dumps after seeing their family all happy and together compared to our life... a cluster fuck. Trent's going back to his place in a couple days, Weston will be a month old and we agreed that I can take it from here. I just needed some help to get started. He'll still of course come see him when he wants but I guess I don't need him living here anymore. Which makes me depressed. I don't think I want him to leave. Life's felt so normal with him around. Even though we aren't together, it felt like we were. Seeing him with Weston everyday pulls at my heart. Watching him take care of him and talk to him it's seriously so sweet.

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