Chapter 29

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~One month later~

It's January 2nd and my alarm wakes me up at 5. I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, today's a big day. My maternity leave is over, Weston's 12 weeks old and I'm going back to work. I have so many mixed feelings about it. I'm gonna miss Weston so much and handing him off to the daycare is terrifying to think about. I am however, excited to get back to my students and show them pictures of Weston. Plus, I left as a single soon to be mom. I'm now returning as an engaged new mom.

When I see Weston still asleep in the bassinet besides the bed I grab the monitor and sneak downstairs. My plan is to get my coffee and get myself ready first. Then I'll get the rest of our bags packed up and in the car before I feed him and get him dressed. Lots to do in 2 hours so I get moving. I wish this was an off week where Trent was home in the morning to help but it is what it is.

On the kitchen counter sits a bouquet of flowers, a card and a box that holds a necklace. I pick up and read the card first. The tears in my eyes make it harder to read by the end. I immediately call Trent to thank him. He's the most thoughtful guy in the world for this.

"You get my little surprise?"

"Trent you're so sweet, seriously stop spending money on me though." I laugh because between the engagement and then Christmas just a week ago he's dropping some serious cash. Plus now we're planning a wedding so it's just going to get worse.

"You deserve it, I know it's a big day for you and wanted to make sure you felt supported. Do you like the necklace? Did you see what was on it?" He asks. I pick it up and look better.

"Wait is that Weston's finger print?" I ask shocked he had a custom necklace made!?

"Yeah, it's so he's always with you during the time you're apart from him."

"Babe..." I can't even speak I'm just a crying mess.

"Ha, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry it was just supposed to be a little something."

"Well it's more than just a little something." I wipe my eyes.

"Yeah I feel bad I can't be there to drop him off with you."

"It's okay. I don't know if that would even help ha."

"What? Why?"

"Cause I feel like you'd be too hard ass and intimating haha."

"You're not wrong." He laughs and then has to go. We hang up and I grab a few tissues to wipe my eyes and blow my nose before I make my coffee. I take the necklace upstairs with me too, I'm wearing it everyday.

I'm somehow out the door 10 minutes before I even had to leave. It was a little chaotic after Weston got up. He didn't want to be put down which means everything had to be done one handed for the most part. He loves being in the car though so that's a plus.

I get to the daycare and as I'm walking to the door with him and the bags I feel it start to him me. I'm going to leave empty handed, he's really staying here all day until I pick him up at 4pm. I refuse to start crying until I get back in my car. I don't want to be that mom. Being a 1st grade teacher I have to deal with those crying moms a lot. It's their kids first year of going to school a full day so, it's emotional for them. After today though I can definitely relate.

"Hi! Welcome! We are so excited to have little Weston join us this year!" The director, Joan greets me at the front door.

"Yes, he's ready to go meet some new friends and play." I say looking in the car seat at Weston looking back up at me.

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