Chapter 8

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   Jason and I met for breakfast this morning before work. They just got back from their honeymoon so this is the first I've seen and really talked to him since his wedding.

"So how was the honeymoon?!" I ask after the waitress leaves with our order.

"Oh man, it was fucking great." He says happily. You can tell how much he loves Kristen just by seeing his face light up when he talks about her. I've never met two people so perfect for each other in my life.

"Yeah? Was the weather decent?"

"Yeah actually. I mean we stayed in the room and fucked around a lot more then I thought we would though...surprisingly."

"Ha, why's that surprising? I'm expecting it before every meal on mine." I say laughing.

"Ha yeah I don't know why I didn't think we'd do it that much. Not like we hadn't been doing it already you know?"

"Yeah true. I don't know, gotta make that baby somehow."

"Yeah you're right." We laugh and drink or coffees while we wait for our order.

   It's a few days later and just so happens to be Valentine's Day. I of course told Cassidy if she's lonely I'd be more than willing to keep her company. We've only hooked up once more since I went over there and told her how I felt...and hooked up. She's a freak in the sheets just like me. I haven't been with someone who matched my style even a little since Cheyanne. We dated last year a couple months then broke up cause our schedules are too busy. She's a nurse working insane hours and I'm a cop doing the same. It just wasn't working.

"Right on time." I say opening my front door to see Cassidy standing there. I notice her cleavage immediately in the v neck sweater she wears but force my eyes back up to hers.

"Well it isn't raining. Or snowing." She jokes and steps inside. I check the street to see how far away she parked this time. We don't want anyone seeing us together so we make sure to park anywhere but each others driveways. Last time she didn't even park on my road. I had to go meet her a mile away and bring her back here. I stare at her ass for just a second while I shut and lock the door. Then I stare more when she bends over to take her boots off.

"Like what you see?" She says with her back still to me.

"How the hell did you know?" I ask laughing. She stands and turns around with a shit eating grin on her face.

"Just that good I guess." She shrugs and I lean in for a kiss. She's so irresistible, her lips are soft and smooth. I grab her ass and give it a firm squeeze. I feel her smile.

"Mmm, you hungry for pizza?" I ask slowly pulling away. If I wasn't starving we'd get down and dirty right now but I gotta eat first.

"Yeah sounds good." She says and we walk into my kitchen.

"So did you find the guy who left the bomb yet?" She asks when we sit down with pizza and beers. I shake my head.

"No. We've been working overtime though, that area is so crowded it's almost impossible to see anything below the neck. Guys smart, he had to of known where all the cameras were."

"That's scary...he's probably been scoping it out for who knows how long getting the lay of the land." She says and takes a bite of her pizza.

"Yeah maybe." I say sighing and taking another sip of beer.

"Or what if-"

"Cassidy stop, please."


"Sorry. I just honestly don't want to give it another thought right now. It's been consuming me the last 24 hours."

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