Chapter 9

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   This is the day I've been waiting for. He's coming back to me, finally. I spray and fix the last couple curls in my hair before I rush out the door. He wanted to meet at the pub so that's where I'm heading. I hope he ends up back here tonight, in my bed honestly. Seriously not a day goes by I don't wonder about him.

I feel kinda bad I randomly cut Trent off but, I can't let him get in the way of Joe and I. I know I still love Joe. Even after how things ended between us, I would get back together in a heartbeat. I know I'm crazy for it too.

"Hey." Joes warm voice calls out when I approach him.

"Hey!" I say energetically cause I'm happy to see him and really excited. We get a table and put an order in before the waitress even leaves.

"You look good." He compliments.

"You too. How've you been?" I blush a little, so far so good.

"Good." He answers and then the waitress comes with our drinks.

"I wanna just get right to it if that's cool with you?" He says as soon as she leaves.

"Um yeah. Yeah course." I get nervously excited as he adjusts himself.

"I'm moving back to Jim Thorpe."

"Oh. That's...great! Right!?" I'm excited but trying to contain it because he doesn't seem thrilled.

"Yeah. But that means we're gonna maybe run into each other now."

" that bad?" I ask confused.

"Well. I don't know. I'm with someone, they're obviously coming with me." His words make my heart drop.

"Oh. I didn't know you were seeing someone." I say trying not to act like I do stalk his social medias every once in awhile.

"We're getting married in 2 weeks, she was supposed to come actually but got caught up in some work stuff."

"Oh. Wow." I'm completely taken back and trying not to show it. Why the fuck did we need to have this sit down meeting over this?! Why couldn't he have just told me over the phone or even better never talked to me! I thought he was coming back to me. My heart hurts and I feel sick to my stomach.

"Thought you deserved to know." He shrugs off and is trying not to smile. Now he's being a dick. I can tell by his voice, don't ask me how it's just dickish.

"I didn't. Next time I fuck someone I'll be sure to let you know though." I say standing and leaving without another word. I'd imagine he's getting looks from around the restaurant. I wasn't very quiet and definitely felt like a dramatic movie scene. The walk to my car feels long. The anger that just built up in the last few minutes is spewing out my ears. I drive off as fast as I can only stopping down the road to relax. Tears are filling my eyes, I couldn't see the road I had to stop.

I get home, pour a big ass glass of wine and call Kristen. She didn't even know Joe reached out. I wanted to see how this "meeting" with him went before I told her anything.

"Hey, you have some time? I need to talk to you about what just happened." I say trying to contain the anger in my voice.

"Oh geez. Yeah I got some time. Sorry if I'm whatever. Jason and I are fighting so I'm just pissed off."

"Oh no, about what?" I ask because I don't want to make it seem like I don't care. They rarely fight, she usually talks to me about it when they do anyway.

"Well. He came home yesterday and said he'd make dinner so I sat down and graded papers. Meanwhile he ended up playing with Carter outside for like 45 minutes, lost track of time and ended up asking me to make it cause they were all covered in grass and mud and needed to shower."

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