Chapter 10

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   Well. It's the weekend again and no one including Trent knows about this tiny little bean of a baby growing inside me. I'm so fucking pissed he blew me off all week, claiming he was working late or too tired. Maybe it's for the best though because I am 10 minutes away from being at Jason and Kristen's for the evening.

We haven't seen each other since the wedding and we miss each other. We're getting pizza and beers. Well...that's where things might get tricky. I have to tell her I'm pregnant. I'm 11 weeks now and can't keep it any longer from her. I'm terrified of her reaction. They've been trying for months and no luck. No one talks about how hard it is to tell someone who can't conceive that you're pregnant...on accident! As far as her asking who the father is...I can't tell her. Not yet.

I get to their house and she's waiting for me at the door I don't even have to knock. We hug each other tightly before getting inside.

"I miss you!" She says letting go. I'm so nervous my mouth feels dry all of a sudden.

"Me too!" I follow her to the living room and take a drink from my water bottle. The pizza box is on the coffee table and a couple beers. I'm stressing, do I just come out and say it? Do I wait? She's going to be so upset I don't want to ruin her mood for the night. Maybe I should wait until I'm leaving.

"I have been dying to see you in person to show you something." She says and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh? Did you finish decorating your bedroom finally?" I guess knowing it was a work in progress.

"No. Look." She's all smiles as she pulls a picture from her coffee table. My stomach drops and I burst into tears. Happy tears that is.

"Shut the fuck up!" I say staring at her and then back at the ultrasound she's showing me.

"I know! I know!" She says wiping her tears and laughing at my reaction.

"When are you due!?" My heart is pounding. I was not expecting this at all!

"Beginning of October." She answers and my heart beats faster. I'm due at the end, which means she was pregnant before the wedding and mustn't of known. I can't come out and say that though, she'll raise questions as to how I figured that out so quick. Then I'll have to tell her it's because I'm pregnant too. I'm not telling her today now. I can't, I refuse to interfere her news with mine. This is her moment.

"Kristen! This is amazing!" I give her a hug again to hide my face of feelings.

"I know. But one more thing..." she pulls another ultrasound picture from the coffee table drawer and hands it to me. I'm still in shock but I stare at it, no idea what I'm looking at.

"'s twins Cass." She says and I look at her so fast, she's hysterical.

"No! Seriously!? Where!?"

"Here and here. Two sacs so fraternal."

"Oh my god!" I set it down and cover my mouth with my hands. I'm so happy for her but I just hope and pray this pregnancy follows through to the end for them. This is the farthest along she's ever gotten so that's a good sign, I guess the treatment is working.

"We found out on the honeymoon! I thought I was taking my ovulation tests but they were the pregnancy strips."

"No way, holy shit. What did Jason say?!"

"Oh he was excited. We both wanted to wait to tell anyone until I had it verified for sure."

"Huge accomplishment already. How've you felt?!" I ask knowing I've felt shitty. I can't imagine how she feels with two.

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