Chapter 20

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It's just a few weeks later, a lot has happened. I for one got extremely bigger and am the most uncomfortable yet. The countdown is officially on though. I'm only a month away from my due date. School started too so I've been busy with that, trying to figure out things for the sub once my maternity leave starts. I'll be back after the new year and get to finish out the school year with the same kids. In other news Kristen had the twins a few days ago! Lilah and Lane. They were two weeks early but healthy and thriving. I visited her in the hospital the day after they were born and I'm going to stay there this weekend to help. I'm excited but also really nervous. I'll get to see first hand how it is having a newborn in the night. Well, in this case, 2.

When I get there it's about 6pm. I picked up dinner for them. Jason opens the door to let me in. He's holding Lilah up on his shoulder. He looks exhausted but happy to see me. I tell him I'll be ready to help wherever I can after I set this down and wash my hands. There's bottles in the sink and some dishes. I take a mental note that when I have the chance, I want to do those.

"Do you wanna eat? I can take her. Where's Kris?" I ask him drying them on a paper towel and looking at the tiny little angel in his arms.

"She's laying down with Lane. I'll go see if she's up and let her eat first." He hands me Lilah and leaves the kitchen. I can't help but smile at this little person my best friend made. She never thought she'd have one let alone two. She's so tiny and fragile in my arms. Her little eyes are starting to doze off to sleep, I start to sway with her slowly until they shut indefinitely.

"Look at you, natural." Kristen's voice sounds. I look up to see her. She looks tired for sure but, she looks amazing for just having twins.

"How are you?" I give her a gentle hug because I know she's still healing and sore.

"Surviving." She says with a laugh.

"Well I brought ya dinner. Should I set her down or hold her if she's sleeping?"

"She can lay in her bassinet. In our room. Jason's just changing Lane and he'll be out with him."

"Oh okay well you guys eat and just boss me around."

"Will do." She says laughing and starts to open the containers of food I brought on the counter.

Holy. Shit. I am in for it. The night was absolutely insane. I don't think I slept longer then 2 hours total. Granted there was 2 of them but still. One gets fed and burped and changed and back down to sleep and then the other ones up to do the same. Then you get about 20 minutes to sleep before the cycle repeats. And the god it's never ending. They just keep eating it's not like 10 minutes and done for awhile. It's literally 5 minutes then 15 minutes later another 5 minutes. I don't understand, I had no idea it was that intense. I wasn't even the one doing it and I'm touched out.

By the time I get home Sunday afternoon I'm dead. I need to eat and lay down for a week. I'm so much more scared to bring a baby home than I was before. It's up to me to figure out what he needs and make the call? I don't know! Kristen would just tell me what they needed and that was it. Simple for me but how does she just know stuff after only a week!?

I wake up on my couch to Trent coming in my front door. I feel like I was hit by a bus still, so tired.

"Shit." I sit up and look at my phone, it's 4pm. I swear I just closed my eyes a minute ago but it's been 4 hours? Jesus Christ.

"Hey, sorry were you sleeping?" He asks and comes in the room.

"Ugh yeah. Yeah, I don't think I've ever been this tired in my life."

"That bad huh?" He sorta laughs and I stare at him. He has no damn clue.

"Trent. They're up all night."

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