Chapter 15

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   I'm sitting in the passenger seat of Trent's truck. Looking down at the outfit that took me over an hour to figure out. I don't want his parents to see I'm pregnant before we have the chance to share. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Probably because we aren't really together like we're going to portray. Trent seems to think with the amount of time we've been together theoretically that they won't fuss over it. He claims they'll be excited, it's going to be their first grandkid.

"So Cheyanne?" I wonder what she's up to while we're doing this.

"Working." He answers as we come up to a stoplight.

"And what does she think you're doing?"


"Ha..." I shake my head.


"Well clearly that's a lie..."

"Yeah well it is what it is."

"Well if you and I were really dating like you two are there's no way in hell I'd be unaware of all this sneaking around and secrets."

"You make it sound like I'm cheating on her." He argues with attitude.

"No but would it really of been the worst thing to just tell her you and I were going to share the news with your parents?"

"No I guess not. But pretty sure she wouldn't be a fan of the whole acting like we're still dating while we do." He makes a good point.

"Well I mean...she wouldn't have to know that extent especially if you're gonna tell them we broke up soon."

"Listen to you, now that lie is okay?" He laughs and shakes his head. I guess that does sound pretty stupid.

"Are things still not good between you guys? Is she still jealous?" I wonder leaving out the part about her little visit she paid me last week. I don't want to tell him about that unless I have to or it would come up.

"She seems a little better. I don't know."

"Well that's good." I say biting my tongue. I wonder what he'd say about her showing up to basically tell me to stop talking to my child's father so much. I'd hope he'd be pissed about it but I don't know.

We get to his parents and my nerves get a little more heightened as I get out of his truck. He waits for me and we both reach to hold hands. He smiles at me and I smile back hesitantly.

"It's gonna be fine. Let me say it." He assures once again and we make our way to the door.

"I know." I whisper back and we walk in.

"Hello! Welcome! Come in come in!" His mom is happy to see both of us. She gives Trent a hug first and then me. I try not to let her feel my stomach between us but she's an aggressive hugger.

"Dads out back grilling. I just put some finger foods together and we'll have hotdogs and potato salad for lunch if that's okay with you guys."

"Sounds great to me." Trent tells her and looks at me.

"Yeah perfect." I add with a smile. We follow her out the back door. They have a beautiful patio and deck off the house. Nice backyard too. I didn't see any of this at Christmas with the snow and everything.

"Hey!" His dad says when he sees us. He hugs me first and then Trent. They really seem to like me. If only they knew the truth. It makes me irritated that Trent can't just be honest with them.

We all sit down outside to eat. Trent guzzles his drink in 10 seconds, making me stare. He must be nervous. His dad sets the hotdog plate down on the table. I reach over under the table and grab Trent's hand without anyone noticing. It's sweaty, like I thought it would be.

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