chapter 10

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"You look so gloomy," Giselle laughed, slinging a arm over my shoulder, "Cheer up."

I force a smile, as I untangle myself to help Athena with the birthday cake. I've been completely exhausted for the past few days, when I'm not studying, just constantly searching and trying my best to investigate. The sleep I got was closer to zero than to ten.

We were preparing for Giselle's sister's birthday party, and since it was a surprise we had to move fast, and Giselle was in a cheerily happy mood that I didn't want to spoil.

I help Athena set down the cake before dusting my hands and looking around. I spot Artemis laughing with a mutual friend and Giselle eagerly pinning up balloons all over the room.

We are in her dorm rooms, and according to her schedule, we have exactly ten minutes before she is supposed to walk in. I check my watch once more, for good luck before excusing myself quickly to the toilets.

I run to the toilets and splash water all over my face, in attempt to get myself more awake and alert. I should have put some makeup on, I realize, as I furiously rub my darkened eyes. I rub again, squinting at my angry reflection staring back at me.

I try to relax my expression but it just looks like I am mad at the whole world.

I grab some paper towels and try to dry my face by slowly patting. Just as I leaned over to throw them, I hear a scream from the outside corridor. I freeze and toss my paper towel inside the trash bin before running out. I turn back and forth. Nothing.

I frown. The scream sounded so familiar and so close, but yet as I walked out, I heard absolutely nothing. It was strange, but I dismissed it as nothing. Loads of people scream for many different reasons.

I walk back to the party, and I walk over to a beaming Artemis who is sitting on a table, grinning widely at me.

"Hey, did you hear a scream just now?" I ask her, propping myself on the table too.

She winks at me, "What kind of scream?"

"Just a scream," I say stubbornly.

Artemis shakes her head, glancing around, "Nothing, but then again, this room is so noisy, I doubt we will be able to hear anything."

I nod vaguely, as Giselle and some other girls put up banners. I check my watch, before hollering, "One minute!"

Everyone squeals and finishes with the decorations and soon we are all eagerly waiting at the door, ready to surprise her.

"She should be coming any minute now." Nora's friend whispers excitedly.

Everyone grins at each other, but seconds turn into minutes.

"It's been five minutes," Athena says first.

"Let me message her." Giselle says, rolling her eyes, whipping out her phone.

"Don't tell her about the party!" Someone calls.

"Of course I won't." Giselle says, typing something on her phone before clicking send.

A minute later, Giselle waves her phone, "See? She says she's coming soon."

"Alright, goody goody." Artemis grins wickedly, "I want to give her the scare of her life."

"How mean." A girl teases back.

But Nora still doesn't come.

And soon, it's been ten minutes.

Something's wrong, I realize, I'm not sure what it is, but something is wrong.

Artemis seems to notice it too, because I can feel her tense beside me, as though she is ready for the worst.

"I'm calling her." Giselle finally speaks, breaking the silence, pressing the phone to her ear. But that's when we hear it.

A terrifying scream echoed from the hallways again.

Everyone freezes and Giselle lowers her phone.

Athena looks around, clearly afraid, "What was that?"

"That sounded like a banshee-" Another girl whispered.

"Let's check it out." Artemis says, standing up.

"No-" Someone protests, "What if it's something scary?"

"What can be so scary?" One girl scoffs, "It's a school!" But she doesn't move.

"C'mon," I say, gesturing to Artemis, impatiently, "Artemis and I will check it out."

"Good idea." Giselle says relieved.

Artemis bounds up, dragging me along with her. We step out of the hallway, and it's empty.

Artemis scratches her head but moves down the hallway and cranes her head. We walk down the hallway into another one and the first thing we see is a small crowd at the end of the corridor.

Artemis looks at me and I nod, she squeezes my hand and we hurry to the crowd.

Something is clearly not right, the group of people have expressions of horror, fear, and absolute terror.

"What's going on?" I snap, glancing around.

No one would answer me, and that's when I crane my head to see what they are all gaping at.

It's a body, I realize with a jolt.

Clearly dead.

Artemis's hand tightens on my arm, and I am suddenly afraid to see who it is.

Artemis sees the person first, and her eyes go wide and her hand begins to tremble.

Part of me already knows who it could be, but I refuse to believe it until I see for myself.

I force myself to lean forward, and see the bloody mess of a body. The body is horrifying, bloody and utterly messy. Blood doesn't scare me, but it doesn't mean death doesn't.

I catch a glimpse of the face, and my heart stills.

It's Nora.

Word Count: 912

A/N: Short chapter today! Even less than a thousand words lol but I meant for it to end here. I wasn't sure if I was gonna really continue but I think I am going to continue this series but it just won't be the no1 priority.

I hope everyone is doing good btw,, I haven't really been updating a lot but here you go!

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