chapter 3

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author's note before we begin : SORRY YALL the everything is really messy/ some stuff are in the middle, or on the left etc etc

author's note before we begin : SORRY YALL the everything is really messy/ some stuff are in the middle, or on the left etc etc

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Oh, I just know that he is going to yell at me.

But honestly, I cannot give a fuck about it.

I march towards my house and reach for the front door.

I pause, withdrawing my hand. I hear loud noises from my house.

I whirl around and run over to a window and peak inside. I see my brother and mother yelling at my father.


I sneak in from the back door, jumping over the fence and unlocking the back door quietly.

I slyfoot my way in and hide in the corridor as I listen in to their conversation.

"You are really suggesting that she marry that arse?" I hear my brother mutter. My father is seated on a comfy chair and opposite him, my mother and brother on the couch.

"Adi- I don't want her to marry him!" I hear my father protest, "It's up to her."

I hear my mother give a loud exasperated sigh, "Are you even her father? Up to her? You know her answer before you even ask."

I feel a sense of satisfaction in seeing my mother and brother like this although I allow myself to feel a tad bit sorry for my father.

"Oh hell no, I'd rather die than let her marry that old asshole." Adi says, wrinkling his nose with disgust.

My father splutters, "They might actually kill you!"

My brother rolls his eyes, "I know that, Dad, but you think they will kill us over a marriage? They need Aayushi more than that."

My mother casts a worried side eye at my brother, but she adds on, "Aayushi is their most important assassin. They won't hurt us over this."

"That." My brother agrees impatiently, lounging and leaning back on the couch.

My father lets out a sigh, "You have a point." He admits.

"Of course I do." Adi says indignantly, crossing his arms.

I decide to step in the room at the exact moment and they all turn their heads in my direction at the same time.

Talk about synchronisation.

My mother's eyes flare, "Aayushi Ahuja!" She barks.


"Hey!" I say, stepping in further and giving them a smile, "Hi Family!"

"Enough," Ma says, swelling up, "Why are you here?"

"To be fair, this conversation is about her." Dad says mildly, and I have to give him credit for the bravery.

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