chapter-1-first meet

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*17 years ago*

Lil taehyung is playing with his friends at a park.his cute boxy smile was kept on his face.the parents of other kids were envy on  his parents for having such a gorgeous and cute boy.he was playing with his friends when he heard light sobbing.he look around confusely and found that it is coming behind a tree.being curious, taehyung move towards the tree.he peek behind the tree and saw a little girl who was wearing black froke and a bucket hat on her head whipping her tears while sobbing.he became worried for her.he bend down on his knees and cupped her cheeks with his tiny hands.she look at him with teary eyes.

"Are you ok Little girl?".he asked while whipping her tears.she started to cry loudly which makes the boy being more worry.his eyes were almostly moisturized.

"T-tell me...what happened to you..?".he asked.she pointed at her knee which was bleeding.he understands that she fall down and had a bruise on her knee.he diverted her gaze to her and passes a cute smile.

"It's ok... don't cry...".he ressure her.seeing his smile made her calm down.he started to check something inside his pocket.

"Oh...Finally I got it...".he pulled out a bandage from his pocket.he stick it on her knee.her eyes were fixed on him.her eyes were reflecting that cute little boy who was treating her wound.

"All done...are you ok cupcake..?".he asked and look at her.she nodded her head.her face cheeks and nose were red coloured which makes her look cute.taehyung was mesmerized by her cute red face.he pecked on her cheek.

"You look so cute cupcake...".he said while blushing.she giggles.Her eyes diverts towards his outfit which was colourful and his eyes diverted towards her froke which was black.

Both of them were perplexed by their look.both compares eachother.

To the lil girl,his live is really awesome and he is really happy in his life.he never know about the underground world in his life.

But to taehyung,her presence was really odd and suspicious.the dress code of her makes him think that she is not an ordinary girl.she gaves him a mafia vibe.

"Yah! Who the hell are you with my sister...!?".the sudden yell of an another boy made both of them look behind.taehyung meet a boy who also gave the same vibe as the lil girl.

A mafia vibe...

The boy was were black outfit and same bucket hat like her.he ran towards them and push taehyung.he fall on other side.the boy holds the girl's hand and started to examine her.he was really worried about her.

That's what brothers do when their sister is hurt....

"My princess...are you ok..?".he said while examining her.

"I'm fine oppa but you don't have to hurt him because he was the one who helped me...".she said and look at taehyung who was blowing the bruise on his elbow while sobbing.the girl went to him.

"Are you ok?".she asked while blowing the bruise.he slightly sob and nod.she wipped his tears and cupped his cheeks.

"It's ok... Don't cry...".she said the same words he told her.he smiled at her.she gave him a peck on his cheeks.he giggled.

Seeing them together,the boy sighed.he went to them.he look at taehyung's bruise and handover a bandage.

"You can stick it..?".he said while looking away.taehyung took it from his hand.

"Kids... c'mon... playtime is over... let's go home...". suddenly, someone said.the boy stood up and held the girl's hand.

"C'mon princess... let's go home...".he said and she nodded.her gaze diverted to taehyung who was looking at them.

"I'm going...bye bye...".she waves her hand while smiling cutely.he also smile back.he look at those two figures who were vanishing away.

he was wondering who or what are they.well it was reminded as a question in him.he didn't even asked their names.he really cursed himself for not asking about them.his mind was full of that girl.he really likes her.

*17 years later*

Now,the atmosphere is getting dark when the dark aura of those mafia siblings entered inside the cabin.everyone were fearing to death.both of their eyes were blank that there is no emotion in them.both of them settled on their seat.crossing their legs,both of them look at the silent atmosphere with their blank they are showing evil and ruthless.they all greeted them.

"Tell me why are you all here...?".the husky voice raised up.

"Mr Jeon... please show mercy on us... don't stop the funding process to our company...if you stop it,we will have big loss...the company will go down... please Mr Jeon....".on of the man said.the boy started to laugh.his evil laugh was echoing inside the cabin.everyone were trembling in fear.the girl just scoffed.

"What a shame..".she murmured.the boy look at them with his evil eyes.

"What if I don't...?".the boy said in his deep voice.

"Mr Jeon... please d-".he was cut off by the boy.

"Look here...Did you remember our deal that we made...? I made this fund because you all were having issues...and what have you done..? using my money,you guys were importing drugs and other illegal things... without my permission...".the atmosphere got silent again.the girl shooked her head and sighed.

"We are so sorry...we won't do it again..."the man bowed several times.

"Look Mr Choi... If I decided something,it won't change by anyone...".the boy stood up and went to him.

"So,get the fuck out of here...if you guys want to live...".he whispered in his scary voice.the girl slightly chuckled and stood up.both of them leave from their.

At the same time, taehyung is working at a café.his friends were also there.

"Taehyungaah...are you done with your work...? it's already dark... let's go home...". taehyung's friend,mark said.

"Yes, I'm done... let's go...".he replied with a smile.both of them left from there.

"Btw, taehyung...I meet a girl who is so gorgeous...I think I'm fallen for her...".mark said while scratching his back neck.taehyung chuckled.

"Seriously hyung...I wonder who is she...".he said.

"Oh...she is my new neighbour...she settled here yesterday...". Mark said.he hummed.

"And taehyung...what about you..? Don't you have any girl that you fallen..?".mark's sudden question makes taehyung remind that little figure's red face due to cry and that smile.he slightly smile.

"Well, I don't know...but I think there is someone...".he chuckled and look up in the sky.mark smiled at him.

Taehyung is waiting for that girl he met that day 17 years ago.even he forgot to ask her name but his figure is still in his mind making him smile like a crazy man.

But he never knew that the girl is not an ordinary girl.when will he realise it?

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