Everything's Gonna Be Okay • Nick x Reader 🌸⚠️

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Nick's POV

Maybe I was going crazy. Maybe my mom was right. Maybe I thought I saw something but I didn't.

I sat in the hospital bed, wrists tied down to stop me from leaving. The door opened and a bed was rolled in. A girl laid, eyes wide open, almost in shock.

"This is your new roommate." The doctor said. "I don't need a roommate." I looked away.

I heard the door close and turned my head towards the girl on the bed. She stared up at the ceiling, like she was looking at something else.

"What's your name?" I asked. She turned her head, "Y/n." Her voice was shaky.

I smiled, "I'm Nick. Nice to meet you." She just turned her head back to the ceiling.


It's been 3 days since y/n has been in my room. Her parents never visited the whole time she was there. I felt bad.

She never talked but I talked to her. "So... what are you here for?" I asked her. She turned her head, looking me in the eyes. She lifted her wrists but they were stopped by the cuffs on her arms.

I looked and saw a scar going from her wrist to her elbow. "You tried to off yourself?" I asked her. She nodded. "Why?" I asked. "If you lived my life, you would do it too." She said. That was the first sentence she's ever said to me.

"Oh..." I said before looking up at the ceiling myself. "Nick?" I heard my sisters voice. "Hey, Alicia." I looked at her. She raised my bed up and sat in front of me.

"How are you doing?" She asked. I shrugged. "I'm alright. Better than yesterday." I said. Y/n turned her head looking at us both.

Alicia looked over. "Hey. What's your name?" She asked. Y/n just turned her head back to the ceiling. "It's y/n." I told Alicia.

Alicia stayed for an hour before leaving. Y/n turned to me about to speak before someone entered the room.

"Y/n." A man sat down on a chair on the side of her bed. Y/n refused to look at him. "Fine. Don't look at me." He crossed his arms.

I watched as a tear fell down y/n's face but she held no emotion. The man slowly got up before leaving.

"Who was that?" I asked. "No one." She whispered. "Come on, talk to me." I said. "My father." She said turning her head away from me. "Why are you so upset with him?" I asked her.

"He caused this." She whispered. "How?" I was confused. "He wished me dead. So I tried to give him what he wanted." She said as tears fell.

"I'm sorry." I said to her. She nodded and smiled slightly.

I reached out my hand as far as it could go and held her hand. "Everything's gonna be okay." I reassured her.

She nodded and smiled sadly, "I hope so."

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