The Saviours • TWD x FTWD Clark!Reader Crossover 🌸🌷🥀

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The way the world ended was so cruel. It was possibly the worst way the world could've ended. I was on the run in Atlanta when I ran into the Saviours. It was perfect timing. Negan saved me like no one else has. He became my mentor, a father figure.

I haven't seen my real family in a year. It was hard when I was alone, but now I was protected. I was Negan...


Nick's POV

We heard music outside the gate late one night. My mom stood, peering over the fence to see what was happening. Then whistling, thats all I heard. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" a deep voice shouted through the gate as we all stood silent. "Oh come on! We won't bite. We just wanna talk." He said in a nasty voice.

"We don't wanna talk to you." my mom said over the gate. "Ah, there you are. I'm Negan, nice to meet you." he bowed sarcastically. "I couldn't say the same." my mom sassed back. He laughed creepily and banged what looked to be a bloody bat on the fence. "Your a tough one. I like the tough ones." he smiled.

"Let me out." my mom climbed down. "Mom, it's too dangerous." I tried to stop her. "I'll be okay Nick." she put a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "I'm coming with you." I grabbed my gun. "No Nick. You're staying. We don't know what he's capable of." she argued.

"That's exactly why I'm coming with you." I said, not wanting her to say no another time. She nodded and we stepped out the gate.

"And then there were two!" he said swinging his bat around. "What do you want?" my mom stared. "We want half your stuff." he said seriously. "What? No." my mom laughed. "Or we could kill you. Your choice." he smiled.

"You're not taking jack shit." I stood in front of my mother. "So, this is the son I'm guessing. Feisty. Just like his mother." he walked up to me.



I woke up to commotion outside my RV. I rolled over and noticed that Negan wasn't in his bed, but somewhere else. I slowly got up and looked out the window. Thats when I saw them. Nick and my mom. I quickly got dressed and ran over to them.

"Mom?! Nick?!" I ran up to them. "Y/n?!" Nick was shocked and hugged me quick. My mom, also in shock, joined in the hug. "I thought you were dead." my mom kissed my forehead multiple times. I smiled sadly and turned to Negan, his face pale. "What are you doing? This is my mother. My brother." I hit him in the chest. "I didn't know..." he said quietly.

"You're with them?" My mom asked surprised. "I was alone. They saved me." I sighed. "I'm glad they saved you." she kissed my forehead. "Me too." Nick hugged me again. "Thank you for saving my baby." my mom said to Negan. "It was nothing. She's like a daughter to me." he looked at me. I smiled.

I was so glad to be back with my family now...

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