Run (pt.2) • Nick x Reader 🌸🌷

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It's been three months... three months.

I haven't found Nick. I ran and ran away from that camp, thinking I would find him. But I didn't.

The worst part... I was pregnant... I was heavily pregnant. I was about five months. I knew something was strange before but I didn't think it was this. I was about the size of a watermelon. I figured out that I was pregnant when I left.

I was in Texas now. I don't know how or when I got here, but I did. I was still looking for him. Nick...

My feet got sore from walking so much easier now. That's why it takes me so long now to walk. I sat down on a bench somewhere along the sidewalk, the dead's blood all over me. It was the only thing that protected us now.

I sighed in pain as I sat down. I had to take a break. I was so tired. As I sat there, I held my belly for comfort. It gave me a sense of purpose and the will to go on and find Nick.

I got back up and walked. I don't know how long I walked but it was a long time. I started to hear something in the distance. It was a camp. I walked in the direction hoping for something good.

It was a baseball stadium. I smiled in relief. Hope was finally there. I waddled up to the gate and someone saw me.

"What are you doing here?" The man up on the post yelled out. "I need a place to stay. We need a place to stay." I said as his eyes made contact with my stomach. His eyes widened.

"Open the gate!" He yelled. I smiled slightly as the gate opened in front of me. "What's your name?" A woman came out and helped me walk in, seeing the amount of pain I was in. "Y/n, I'm looking for someone." I said.

"Let's get you some food. You need to rest." She took my backpack off. I sighed in relief as she helped me inside the stadium where there was a nurse.

"It's been a while since we've seen anyone pregnant." The nurse said putting a stethoscope on my stomach, moving it around.

"It sounds healthy. Nothing wrong." She confirmed and gave me some space. I felt even more relieved.

"Would you like a tour?" The girl who helped me in asked. "Yeah sure, why not." I smiled.

She took me around the stadium telling me things about their camp. "This is a great place for the baby, you know? Lots of resources." She said. "I don't know. I'm looking for..." I was about to say it, but then I saw him.

"Nick?!" I said in shock. He was planting food in the garden. He looked up and stared in shock as he saw me. "Y/n?!" He ran up to me. He hugged me tight. "I've been looking everywhere for you." I cried.

He backed out of the hug and looked at my stomach. "Y-you're pregnant?" He asked me, clearly in a state of shock. "Yeah." A tear fell down my face. "It's yours." I grabbed his face.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry I didn't find you." He apologized repeatedly. "No, it's not your fault, Nick." I reassured him.

"Y/n?" I heard Alicia's voice. "Alicia?" I saw her. She looked shocked too at my state. "You're pregnant?" She asked me as if it wasn't obvious. "Yeah." I smiled. She hugged me tight, "I thought you were dead." She cried. "I'm here. I'm here now." I smiled.

"Who's the father?" She asked me. I looked at Nick, to which she caught on. "Nick? Really?" She asked. She didn't seem mad. "Yes." I said. "Omg! Congratulations! I'm gonna be an auntie!" She jumped up and down excitedly. "You're not mad?" Nick asked her, surprised.

"We need something good these days." She said. I nodded. I couldn't agree more.

This was it. Our hope. Our faith in humanity.

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