I'm Here • Troy x Clark!Reader 🌷🌸

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The last few years have gone by so fast. Surviving in the apocalypse is horrifying. You never know when you're going to die. It could be today, tomorrow, who knows. That's the scary part. Not the monsters that lurk in the day, and the night. The feeling of death being around the corner someday is horrifying.

I got separated from my family after my brother died. That was five or so years ago. I lost count. I've been alone ever since. I lost my boyfriend, and all my friends. My boyfriend and I got separated at a farm camp. I've been terrified since then that I might come across them dead.

I ended up in Texas some time last year after wondering around the country. I lost count of how many states I've been to.

I saw this big apartment building and walked towards it. Maybe this could be another hide out that I could camp in for a day or two.

The door was blocked by chairs but one of the windows was replaced with a wooden board. Somehow I got it off and slid into the building, boarding it up behind me again.

This building seemed quiet. Almost too quiet. But, I didn't have a worried feeling about this place. I sat down against a desk. I haven't slept in days. I was exhausted. I felt like slime, about to melt.

Before I knew it, my eyes were closed, and I was out cold.


"Hello!" I awoke to someone waving their hand in my face. I jumped up about to reach for my knife, "Ah uh! Drop it." I was told. I dropped my knife, raising my hands beside my face. "What do you want?" I stared at the man. "Me, nothing. My boss however, I'm not too sure." He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into another room.

I kept quiet, not wanting to stir the pot. "What is it Vincent?" I heard a familiar voice. "I found this girl in the lobby", he pushed me forward. "Dickwad!" I yelled at the man. The other man, "his boss", turned around to face me. I knew immediately who it was.

"Troy?..." I said in a whisper, shocked. "Y/n...." He walked towards me slowly, shocked to see me alive. "You..." he didn't have the words. "I thought you were dead..." he stuttered putting his hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes, tears swelling up in them.

"I'm here." I opened my eyes, tears streaming down my face. "You're here." He said, then he kissed me. I kissed him back with all my energy. Oh, how much I've missed him!

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