Intro pt. 1

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245'3Freak-a-leek🤭Bout her shiMean as hell"Z" "RiRi"

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Bout her shi
Mean as hell
"Z" "RiRi"

May 12th

"Hey Mr. Anderson, I'm finishing up this email and it'll be ready by tomorrow for the client." I said to my boss as he is walking pass me. "No, Ms. Jones I want it done by today, so it can already be sent. I don't want a bad first impression on this client. He has loads of money." I side eyed him and I continued to type up the email. "Yes sir, it'll be done by today." "Good." He took his hand off of my shoulder and walked back to his office.

I looked at my silver cartier and it was 2:30pm "finally, lunch." I got up and walked to the elevator and went to the first floor. "Hey do you know where Mr. Anderson is? " I heard a small girl say behind me. She looks like Mr. Anderson, could probably be his daughter. "Yea he's on the top floor, the 5th floor. Do you need help?" "No ma'am, thank you."
"You're welcome" she had more manners than her damn daddy.

I walked out of the elevator and unlocked my car as I got closer to it. I felt a bump behind me and I turn around to see this tall, fine ass man. "My bad, I'm just tryna get to the building" I looked up at him because he a lil too tall. "It's okay" I said to him. "Actually, I do need some directions. I'm Mr. Andrew, or Anderson's client" I looked confused because he was supposed to be here tomorrow. "Uh, sir you're supposed to be here tomorrow. By the way I'm his assistant, Zuri Jones" I held out my hand to shake his. "DeShawn Bello. I just wanted to have a look around so I'll know where to go when I come tomorrow." He said looking at the door.

"Oh okay, I'll show you up" I said closing my car door.

"Oh no it looks like you were headed somewhere" I insisted and we went inside. I'll just get some food later I thought to myself.

10 minutes later

"And here we are" I knocked on Mr. Anderson's door and he opened the door for us "Ah, Mr. Bello welcome" He said and looked at me with a what he doing here? face. "Hello, Mr. Anderson, pleasure to meet you" I walked back to my desk and waited until my shift was over.


I gathered my things and walked out of the office to the elevator. I'm starving bro I walked out of the elevator and went to my car and started it from the button on my key. I got in and drove to the soul food place and got hot honey wings with a drink from the liquor store (Strawberry flavored Ciroc). I drank from the bottle because I was so done with work. I sat on the couch and I heard the door open. "Hey baby" He came over to me and kissed my forehead. "Why are you just now getting home. You get off of work at 6:30 it is 8:55.." I said with a straight face. " Oh baby I just went out to the bar with the boys for a couple drinks" here we go with this lying ass nigga "Oh okay, I left you some food in the microwave" he walked over to the kitchen "Thank you baby" I rolled my eyes when he walked away.

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