
117 2 1

May 29th
Zuri's POV

I went to work feeling confused.

I feel so much love for Alonzo. He was my first kiss, love, body...just everything and once De'Shawn came into my life he made me feel the same way Alonzo made me feel when I first saw him.

I just sat there once again in my thoughts as Mr. Anderson interrupted me.

"Ms. Jones, I need to see you in my office." He said clearing his scratchy throat.

I jolted being startled by his raspy old man voice.

"Yes sir I'm coming" I said as I got up from my desk and walked behind Mr. Anderson to his office.

"Mr. Bello is officially apart of the family" he chuckled entering the room.

I noticed De'Shawn looking me up and down as I sat across from him.

"Okay so as I said, Mr. Bello is finally apart of the family and he's going to be getting my office and I'll be moved to the other one since they fired Debra." Mr. Anderson said sadly.

"It's okay Mr. Anderson, I'm sure they'll treat you better than the people over here" I snickered.

He looked at me and started laughing. "Oh Ms. Jones you surr know how to brighten up my day. Anyways, Mr. Bello will be moving in tomorrow and you two will be greatly acquainted with each other."

"Oh we've acquainted alright" De'Shawn said smiling at me.

I side eyed him because why you telling my business?

"Okay well it's nice to have you on the team Mr. Bello!" I said with enthusiasm knowing this man would probably have me bent over his desk from time to time.

I walked out of the office letting De'Shawn and Mr. Anderson talk.

I finished my last document and I was going to send it to the proof department so it can be ready for Mr. Bello tomorrow.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I *once again* was startled.

"Damn. You get scared that easily" De'Shawn laughed.

"Boy, I wasn't even scared" I rolled my eyes knowing good and well I got scared.

"Yea know you're the only person here besides me?"

I looked down at my phone. "Shit. I need to get home." I got up and gathered all my things before walking out.

De'Shawn stopped me in my tracks. "Where you think you going?"

"What are you talking about De'Shawn?"

"You ain't gone gimme a kiss?"

"Boy.." I rolled my eyes and pushed his head back as he got closer to me.

"Woww, this what we doing now? You lucky I ain't take you to that bathroom earlier."

"Bye De'Shawn, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Can I still get that kiss?"

"No. Goodbye" I giggled and walked out of the office and into my car.

Alonzo said he was going to take me downtown for a walk and I couldn't turn that down.

I arrived home a couple of minutes later and found Alonzo sitting on the couch in some clothes.

"Hey baby, I was running late today."

"You good" Alonzo said with a little frustration in his voice.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought you wasn't gone come home..I thought you was out cheating"

"Well you need to stop thoughting and start thinking"

I went upstairs to take a quick shower and get dressed. I came back downstairs while putting on my jewelry and spraying some of my expensive perfume.

Can't believe I'm using my Heated. by Beyoncé for this man. I thought to myself and grabbed my purse.

"You ready?"

"Yea, let's go" I said to him.

I was shocked to see he opened the car door for Alonzo really changing?

"Oh, thank you"

"You're welcome Z"

He got in the car and coincidentally out favorite song came on.

Alonzo laid his hand on my thigh and I immediately felt butterflies.

"Zuri, I want to start again.."

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