
137 3 0

May 21st
4:55 pm
Jaylin's POV

Ima be so fr, I was slumber asleep when I was getting multiple messages and notifications from K.O.

Damn, what I do to this nigga? I thought to myself as I sat up and looked at my phone.

"Ou shit." I was supposed to be going out with K.O. and I overslept.

I scrolled through all of the messages he sent and I stopped at a particular one and my throat had felt like I swallowed a whole stone and my eyes started to water.

The text was obviously a break up paragraph and when I tell you paragraph I mean PARAGRAPH.

I tossed my phone beside me and ran my hands down my face to collect all the things that just happened.

I really had love for this man, he wasn't just one of my hoes. He made me feel safe, he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. His appearance just made a bitch skip a heartbeat and seeing that message really broke me. When I was in high-school, my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me out of no where and I'm tired of that shit. I'm about to turn into my villan era and step on all of these nigga's necks and show them no mercy.

I called Zuri to see where she was and to see if I could hang out with her, but she didn't answer.

I got up and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and walked into my closet after one long and depressing shower knowing I won't be showering with him anymore.

I put on a "ain't nobody gone see me" outfit and headed out to go buy 4 pints of ice cream from the store.

I unlocked my car and drove to the store.

"Switch Sider" by Ella Mai randomly stated playing on my radio like it's tryna make me even more sad than I already am.

"Skipping this shit, hell no" I said and switched the radio station to some ass rock music. (no offense to the rock lovers, I listened to pink Floyd 😦🤟🏾)

I finally arrived to the store and literally guess who I saw.

The nigga, like ew don't even look at me with them cute ass eyes.

I quickly shuffled to grab a basket and went into the freezer aisle.

I forgot he worked here and now I gotta see him everywhere until I'm finished shopping.  Ugh. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the ice cream.

I don't know why, but he keeps popping up around me. I was walking down the aisle and I walked passed him not even paying attention or even just looking because he had me so fucked up.

He didn't even block me yet which I find weird.

I finished buying the ice cream and headed home because I ain't want my perfectly good ice cream to be ruined.

I got out of my car and grabbed the bags and unlocked my door.

I kicked my crocs off and put three of my ice cream tubs into the freezer and kept one out to eat.

I asked straight to the living room and subconsciously turned on one of the shows we used to watch together.

"Oh fuck me, what the hell?" I started getting annoyed by the fact that I kept doing things that would remind me of him knowing I was still attached and didn't want to feel it.

I turned on a whole other show that I wouldn't even consider watching and ate my ice cream in pain.

I thought we would actually have a thing going on, but that's just how the world is.

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