Just Friends

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Friday, October 26th
Zuri's POV

Okay, Alonzo and I made out. But we didn't do anything further than that. I feel so bad doing that I should've never even went over.

"Me and Alonzo have been a couple for almost 7 years and I finally end it off with him. I still can't decide who I want to stay with. I know Alonzo like the back of my hand and I can't just let him go so easily after all those years we spent together." I vented to Jaylin.

I told her to come over and help me through this. I knew I messed up and I needed to fix it but I don't know where to start and the only help I have right now is my closest friend.

"Girlll...you and this Alonzo mess gotta get cleaned up. I understand you've been with him since 11th grade, but boo..you have a new man a new life. You're engaged for god sake" Jaylin scolded at me.

"I knoww, your lectures aren't helping me at all" I started to get frustrated with all the weight on me.

"Matter a fact, you need to move" She said.

The room got quiet for a minute as I thought aput what she said.

"You know you're right..I do, but I can't just up and leave Jay and you know this."

Jaylin let out a irritated sigh "We're gonna go have drinks, let's go" she sad and grabbed my arm.


"Just shut the fuck up"

Jaylin put me in the car and walked over to the driver's side and started up the car and drove out of the driveway making her way to the bar.

The car ride was quiet while the music was playing in the car.

A few minutes later she had parked and told me to get out.

We made our way into the bar and it was already musty which is very embarrassing for these grown people.

I just followed Jaylin to a pair of seats near the end and the bartender came over to us.

"Hello beautiful ladies what can I get for y'all?"

"Let me get a double shot of vodka for me and her and a White Russian." Jaylin said

I was shocked, she was really trying to ease the pain.

I wanted something slight just in case it was an emergency and I'd have to drive

"Can I get two Sex in the Driveway drinks" I said.

I surely did NOT want to get something slight.

We drank our drinks and took our shots while talking about the nonsense I did.

"You're right though I need to let Alonzo go on this one" I said guilty of what I did earlier today.

"Matter a fact, you need to apologize to De'Shawn and tell him you're sorry and be GENUINE." Jaylin said sternly emphasizing genuine.

"I will I will Jay" I said reassuring her.

I had other things in mind. Not only will I apologize but I might have make-up sex too..

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