Hanks Cafe

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A/N: child look at how long it took me to write a new part of this story... I was sick and couldn't bring myself to type anything. I'm sorry yaw 😞 I will publish more now that I'm feeling better. Love y'all and stay blessed.

Tuesday, October 30th
Zuri's POV

I was getting ready to go meet up with DeShawn and I wore something he would probably like considering the fact I cheated. It was forced I swear I was not tryna lock lips with Alonzo.

I finished curling my hair and made sure I was looking real tasty real good (no pun intended, we love shamar 🤭) for my man, that I had to get back because cheating is NOT a good look.

Deshawn's POV

This girl takes way too long to get ready fam. It's been 10 minutes and she isn't here yet. It took her 4 seconds, 4 fucking seconds to piss me off again. I was just about to leave and she gone bust through the door like deebo n shit.

"Hey sorry I'm late, a girl's gotta look good" she says and chuckles.

Girl- sit the hell down so I can go. I regret ask for Chris's keys man.

"It's fine I know how you girls be fashionably late." I said sitting back down.

"Did you already order?" She said taking a seat.

"No because I was waiting on you" I said to her rolling my eyes.

"Tuh, okay sassy" she said looking shocked.

"Besides all of that, don't you have something you'd like to express to me? That's why we're here after all.."


If she starts a sob show I'm leaving. that's it.

"I am genuinely sorry Deshawn. I swear none of that was supposed to happen. I got caught in one of his traps and he approached me first. I didn't do anything to that man."


"Hm? Is that all you have to say?" She said getting stern.

"Yea, history repeats itself I guess. This the same shit that happened to me in my last relationship" I told her laughing to myself like I need to be in an asylum.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want to ta-"

"No, I don't. Cause it's just gonna piss me off even more. I don't even want to be here, I'm just here to listen to your pitiful story." I expressed myself because not only was I angry but I felt betrayed.

I thought I had found the one, but jokes on me I guess.

Zuri's POV

Well first of all, Damn.

Second. I'm just so shocked, I can be a better woman if he'd let me. I need to lock in and stop falling for Alonzo's bullshit.

"Look, if you don't want to be here you can go, I just wanted to meet in person so I could apologize in a more professional way."

"Ok, see you tomorrow." He said then got up and walked out.


I didn't think he'd actually leave but he one of dem angry mfs so let me not try and argue with him.

I also left because that's mad embarrassing to just sit there alone, I might end up on one of them tiktoks about people sitting alone at diners and  food places.

I wanted to vent to Jaylin but she was busy per usual with all them jobs she got like Ms. Rabbit from peppa pig.

(Ms rabbit got too many jobs she needa sit down)

I just cried myself to sleep thinking about how I was going to fix this..fix us.

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