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Zuri's POV
No date/time for this

I.. I can't believe this. He put his hands on me.

DeShawn  Bello almost killed me.

I called Jaylin to tell her about this.

"Jay, you won't believe what just happened to me"

"What happened to hey, how are you?, my name is? But what's going on fr."

"DeShawn put his hands on m-"

"I'm on the way. Let me grab my clip."

She hung up and about 6 minutes later she at my door with a glock 17.

"Where he at bitch" Jaylin said waving her gun around and barging into my house

"Girl I wasn't even done talking with you on the phone." I said stopping her in her tracks.

(A/n: it's the way Jaylin don't even know what Zuri did for DeShawn to put his hands on her and she know how Zuri get)

*third person pov*

Zuri explained what happened at the office and Jaylin was surely pissed off but Zuri didn't tell her what she did.

"Now Zuri are you telling me half of it or all of it because what I'm hearing is only DeShawn's side and not yours. I know how you get too when you're being accused." Jaylin explained calmed yet still angry.

Zuri let out a sigh.

"Okay fine. I told Adam redo the numbers even though he doesn't know how to and he messed them up."

"So you're telling me you almost had the company in shambles because you were being petty, or?"

Yes. Zuri was very much being petty but she didn't want it to be that. She wanted to say she was finally in control.

"Look, Z. I know you and Lonzo went through some things, but you can't just rain on someone else's parade because you're mad."

Mad. That's what she was. An angry black woman trying to protest her feeling by doing something that would anger others.

Zuri let out a long and dragged breath.

The situation was too fresh to apologize. Seeing that DeShawn has very bad anger issues.

She decided to text him.


Her messages were green which meant she was blocked.

"Oh damn." Jaylin interfered.

"Jaylin get out. Like now"

She was fed up.

Jaylin put her hands up.

"You got it Ri" she got up and left.

"FUCK" Zuri had realized she messed up.

Quite literally.

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