He loves me, He loves me not

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Zuri's POV

May 15th
11:00 am

Today was the day the client was supposed to come in and spend a day with us. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach because of what happened yesterday like that man is just too fine.
I was interrupted in my thoughts by my boss. "Hey, Ms. Jones can you get me a cup of coffee?"

"Yes sir, I'm on it right now" I got up from my desk and went into the break room to make his coffee. I honestly don't know why this nigga like black American coffee with no sugar or cream like wtf it's literally just water with coffee beans. I thought to myself. I walked back up to his office and accidentally bumped into "Mister" again and spilt the damn drink on his suit. "Oh my gosh, I am genuinely sorry" I got some napkins and wiped up the coffee. "You're fine, luckily this wasn't one of my expensive suits then I would've been mad"

I giggled and he offered to help me clean the mess. "Wait aren't you the assistant? Z-Zura?" "It's Zuri" I smiled. "Oh I'm sorry Zuri, I don't think I got your number. You know? For business reasons of course"
"Hmm, I think you need my boss's number not mines" we laughed and I made them both coffee for the inconvenience.

"But seriously I think we should hang out."
"Yea sure, my number is ###-###-####"
"Preciate it, I'll save it later"
"You're welcome and here's a coffee to just apologize for what I did. "Thank you." I went back to my desk and looked at clothes online since it was my free time.

A few hours later

"Ms. Jones you know you shouldn't be on that. Send me the contract for Mr. Bello and you can go early."

"Yes sir, wait I already sent it to you. Did you get it?" I said not looking at him.

"Oh well I'll go check, you can go early I guess."

I logged out of the computer, grabbed my things and headed out of the office when I got a text from Mister.

I logged out of the computer, grabbed my things and headed out of the office when I got a text from Mister

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I started my car and that's when he decided to call me. I answered and the call connected to my car.

Mr. Bello

"So I think we should go eat somewhere, like at a fancy restaurant or something"

"I- Mr. Bello-"

"No, call me DeShawn and if you say anything about prices n shit just know it's all on me."

"Okay. What should I wear then?"

"Hmm, something casual"

"Alright I'll see you then"

"Make sure you send me your address so I can pick you up."

"Will do"

"Okay, bye"


Call Ended

I arrived home to see Alonzo already here. I unlocked the door and came in.
"Hey, Zuri" Nigga never called me by my name before
"Hey lonzo" I went upstairs and got ready.
He followed me upstairs ans went into the bathroom and leaned on the vanity while I took a shower

"Who you getting ready for, me?"

"No, I'm going out with a friend."

"Friend?? When you start having friends" he took a sip of his drink and walked over to the glass door.

"I been had friends but you ran em away"

"You got an attitude now? 'Cus I ran yo ugly hoe ass friends away?"
"They could've gotten you into that hoe shit and you wouldn't be where you are today"

Alonzo was a part time drug dealer and he never got caught. He was making more money than me in the house so I couldn't really say nothing to that.

"Ok Alonzo" I turned the shower off "Can you get my towel since you standing right there"

"Yea I gotchu"
He opened the shower door and hesitated as he looked me up and down.
"My towel?"
He snapped out of it.
"My bad, here you go."

He walked out of the bathroom and I got ready.



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I walked out of the room and grabbed my purse.

"Can I get a kiss or sum before you go? Damn."

I walked to him and gave him a peck on the lips but he pulled me closer to him and kissed me gently. I pulled away from the kiss and realized the buldge he had in his pants.
"Bye, baby have a good day"
"You too" I walked out of the house and saw DeShawn parked outside.


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