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DeShawn's POV
Friday, January 5th
8:00 am

I was done with her. I didn't want to see her again. She was pissing me off. She kept tryna call me n shit.

As I was working, I get a call from my office phone.

"Bello Company, how may I assist of your needs." I said in a unhappy tone..why did I pick that slogan? It's lame asf.

"D-DeShawn?" I heard a familiar voice ring out on the other side.

I slammed the phone down in an instant immediately figuring out who it was.

"She not finna run my blood pressure up today, on my soul"

(He a lil sassy thang ain't he)

She sent an email to me about her absence of work. "She just don't stop do she?" I replied to her email and exited the tab.


It was pouring down raining and as I'm getting ready to go to lunch, I bumped into Zuri on the way to my car.

"Sorry" she said in a low tone while looking down.

"Don't fucking talk to me." I straight up said not giving two fucks.

I got into my car and just sat there thinking..

This has happened to me twice and I didn't want it to happen again.

But.....I love Zuri.

"FUCK" I screamed and punched my steering wheel.

(He has serious anger issues 😟)

I drove to McDonald's and got me a quarter pounder with a shamrock shake.

"Your total is $10.49 please pull up to the next window." The lady said on the other side of the speaker.

"Okay" I said and turned my music back up and pulled around.

'CARNIVAL' by Ye played and I immediately got locked in

I rolled down my window to pay, and she opened the window

"$10.49..- DeShawn? Fuck no"

It was Zuri's bestfriend, shit..

The moment was so fast I got jumpscared by her big ole face in mines.

"Don't play, park at 1 right there" she said pointing to the 1st reserved parking spot.

I drove over and parked my car.

I wasn't really worried about her so I turned my music back up and began bumping.

"Go, go, go, go
Head so good, she a honor roll
She ride the dick like a carnival
I done did the impossible.

Go, go, go, go
Head so good, she a honor roll
She ride the dick like a carnival
I done did the impossible"

Right before the beat dropped her ass knocked on my window.

"UGHHHHHH" I pouted and paused the song while rolling down my window.

"What do you want?" I asked in frustration

"Nigga you want your food or not?" She asked turning her head sideways.

"Duh? Are you retarded?" I said grabbing my food from her.

"Nig-" she raised her hand at me. "You lucky I'm at work you bum. And you and Zuri need to talk. Or get therapy cus I'm  tired of her crying all night because you did something. Fix that shut or I'm finding yall a couples counseling"

I huffed. "Okay bruh, but I gotta be calm before I talk to her again."

"I really don't care what you do, just fix whatever yall got going" she said tucking her sew in behind her ear as the wind started to pick up.

She walked away and I drove back to work eating my fries.

Hours later..

It's after hours and per usual, I'm sitting here doing work.

I hear Zuri walk in with a stack of papers.

"These are the last of the papers.." she says as she puts the papers down and walks towards the door to leave.

"Wait" I said as I shifted my glasses back on my face.

"Hm?" She turned around and stood at the door like this 🧍🏾‍♀️ (sorry guys it's gonna get quite emotional so I had to do somethin)

"I.." I fidgeted with the pen in my finger.

"I apologize for the way I went off on you last month, I was in a bad stage in my life and I wasn't processing what I was doing. I've been through this before and that was the last straw. I've never put my hands on a woman and I'm very guilty and I regret putting my hands on you." I got up and held her hands.

"Look Shawn..I forgive you, but what you did was unacceptable and I know I was a part of the situation as well and I apologize for what I did" she says shedding  a tear.

"I know, I'm aware of are we good?" I asked her.

"Yea" she gave me a warm smile.

"Jaylin said we need couples therapy" I laughed.

"Well it's true, we both got mad problems" she said.

"We gone work it out" I say giving her a side hug.

"Mhm" She hugged me back and left a little later.

I packed up everything else and went home after her.

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