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Friday, October 26th
De'Shawn's POV

I was wondering where Zuri was, it's 8:30 and she still not home. I called her but she didn't pick up. I was worried so I checked her location and she was in the ghetto. Tf she doing here? I thought to myself.

I drove to the spot and saw her car the the driveway with a black SRT parked beside it. "Ain't no way she at a whole nigga house.."

I just sat in the car and waited for her while trying not to get shot up.

A few hours passed and she finally came out hugging on this lightskin ass nigga, uh Alonzo?. Yea that nigga. Could've sworn she was done with his ass.

"The fuck?"

Look. I'm not the type to spy or stalk but this got me so messed up.

I drove back home and sat at the kitchen table signing contracts and doing company shit and here comes Zuri Sughula Jones (idfk she part African mfs)

"Hey Dee, what you up to?" She sad walking in and setting her keys down and came over to me sitting down.

I ain't even give her time to get comfortable in the seat and started asking her questions like I'm the feds or some shi.

"Where were you, Zuri?" I asked not looking up from the papers.

"I was at Jaylin's house, why?"

She ain't gotta lie mane. I just wanna know why she was over there.

"Hmm." I looked up from the papers and at her. "Your location said otherwise but you know I'm not slow..I know Jaylin doesn't live in the hood, she lives around here in a SUBURBAN neighborhood."

"I just went to a friends house De'Shawn,  why?" Zuri told me.

"I know when you lie Zuri, just tell the truth..just so it can save whatever we got going on." I told her.

She sighed. " Alonzo told me to come over to hash out what he had did and wanted to apologize.."

"Oh my god, Zuri please don't tell me yall slept together" I internally face palmed rethinking my decision about this woman after all the women I've told my true feelings to, they always cheat.

"No, no I swear I didn't sleep with him De'Shawn..but he did kiss me.." when I heard that my mind went blank and I just walked out of the house.

I called my brother to see what he was up to since I needed someone to express my feelings to.

"Yoo" he said in the phone.

"Yo bro you busy?"

"Nah but I was about to head out, why?"

"I  need to talk to you, like now."

"Okay, you can pull up"

"Alr" I said as I hung up and went to my car and started driving to his house.

I was kinda heated on that because one you at yo ex house and two and locking lips with him?!! She was being honest and all but still that shit really pissed me off.

I arrived at Chris's house and got out. When I walked up to the door I  knocked and he must've heard my car door cus I ain't even get to knock twice.

"Wassup Dee," Chris greeted me while dapping me up.

"Wass good CJ" I laughed letting myself in.

"Ight so what's the word, whatchu tryna talk about?" He asked.

I rubbed my hands down my face and sighed loud.

"So, yo sister made out with her ex..."

"Bro what? Can't be, she aint like that" He looked at me confused.

"Exactly what I said nigga, until i saw her walking out bro house" I got more irritated the more I thought about it.

"I was going to marry her, buy her anything..she told me the truth but now I have trust issues against her"

I just wanted to finally love someone, someone loyal. She has been loyal to me for these past couple of months. I guess she just slipped up..

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