Should I?

170 5 0

May 20th
11:00 am
Zuri's POV

I came back home and hung up my keys on the key holder. I took off my cross at the door and walked right upstairs. It was oddly quiet in the house, so I made sure I was prepared to beat a bitch ass if Alonzo had some hoe in my bed

I swung open the door and saw Alonzo dripping with water with a towel around his waist.

"Wsg Zuri"

I side eyed him, "Yo"

He scoffed. "Yo?" "That's what we doin now?"

"Mhm." I said to him in annoyance.

He smacked his lips "C'mere ma"

This man knew how to do it every time. I can't go one day without thinking about this man in my panties like wtf.

I walked over to him and looked up at him. "What nigga?"

"Thank you for the food, I was starving" he said looking me in my eyes.

I felt a wave of butterflies enter my stomach. The way he smelled of dove soap and old spice krakengard lingered in my nose.

He had me so fucking wet I couldn't say no to this nigga at all.

"You're welcome" I said looking at him and then his lips.

He grabbed my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.

It was still the same, his prickly mustache still pricked me as we kissed. He grabbed my waist and continued to kiss me.

He pulled away and looked down with a smirk on his face noticing the fact that we both can see this big ass buldge in the towel.

"I wonder what that is under the towel" he said and started laughing.

"Really nigga-"

He picked me up and laid me on the bed gently.

"Bend over fa me baby"

His words somehow just control me like a puppet and my clothes were off and I was bent over cheesin like a kid in a candy store.

"Damnn, yo mama must passed down all this ass" he chuckled while gripping my butt.

"Nigga give me the dick already" I was so hungry for this man I didn't even realize how bad it was gonna hurt because I haven't felt him in months now.

"Oh bet" he said with a giant ass smirk on his face.

The next morning

I woke up under Alonzo still asleep. I don't really remember what happened but all I know is he fucked me till I passed out.

I slid from under his arm and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.

I got ready and put on some sweats with my green 1s and a white and green graphic shirt.

I guess I kissed him bye and I walked out the door.

I went to pick up some people for lyft, just because I'm off don't mean I'm not working.

I picked up this one chick that looked exactly like the bitch Alonzo cheated on me with.

She looked at me and I took a real good and long look at her in the rear view mirror.

I didn't say anything, but I knew that hoe was gone catch these hands when I drop her off at work and pull up there unexpected.

I parked in the parking lot and the doors unlocked.

"I fucked your man bitch" she said before she opened the door.

"He got this pussy last night and it's obviously better than yours boo"

She scoffed and slammed my door like bitch don't eva.

I drove off and went to my next destination.

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